> accessing
> Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer you can easily copy files to the UTORweb server
by drag and dropping files in the usual way from one window to another.
Internet Explorer also allows renaming and deleting files in the
same way as local files are.
This document assumes you are already familiar with copying, moving,
renaming, and deleting files on your hard disk or floppy disk by
clicking on My Computer or by starting Windows Explorer. It is also
assumed you are familiar with Internet Explorer.
has not made the functionality described here available on the Macintosh
version of Internet Explorer. These features are also not available
with older versions of Windows (Windows 98 first edition, Windows
95, and Windows NT) unless Internet Explorer 5.x or Web Publishing
with Microsoft Office 2000 has been installed‹if you have an older
PC and are not sure what version of software you have, try these
instructions to see if they work.
to security restrictions, the following instructions cannot be used
to transfer files to the UTORweb server in the Information Commons
Public Access Facility as well as some other PC access facilities.
Internet Explorer can be used to rename or delete files on the UTORweb
server. Instead of copying files to the UTORweb server, those at
the Information Commons Public Access Facility can save documents
directly to the UTORweb server from Microsoft
Word or MacroMedia Dreamweaver.
copy a file to the UTORweb server from Internet Explorer:
Browse to the address ftp://utorid@individual.utoronto.ca (by typing
in the Internet Explorer Address: field or by using the Open Location
pulldown item as usual.) Replace the text utorid with your UTORid.
Note your UTORid must be enabled to use the UTORweb service. (Your
UTORid is not the same as your email address, e.g. not terry.lee@utoronto.ca.)
If you know your email address and need to know your UTORid or to
examine your UTORid options please visit www.utorid.utoronto.ca.
When prompted, type in your password.

Internet Explorer window will appear something like the following.
Note that if you see just the file names, without the folder and
file icons, then you probably have an older version of Internet
Explorer which is not capable of what follows.

transfer files from your PC, open a My Computer or Windows Explorers
window showing the required files. Then simply drag and drop the
required files or folders to the Internet Explorer Window in the
usual way. (Those who are used to copying files by using Explorer's
copy and paste, these are also available.)
you save a file to the "private" folder it will not be accessible
by others. This is a good place to store documents which you would
like to access later, possibly from a different location.
save your file outside the "private" folder then it becomes accessible
to everyone. For example, if you name your file sample.html, it
will be accessible from any browser using the URL http://individual.utoronto.ca/terrylee/sample.html;
the "terrylee" portion of the URL is one you chose when you activate
your UTORid for use with the UTORweb service. If you are uncertain
what your URL will be see www.utorid.utoronto.ca.
The special file called index.html is accessed from a browser using
http://individual.utoronto.ca/terrylee (known as the "home" page.)
The "http://" portion of the URL can be dropped in most browsers.
Delete or Rename a file on the UTORweb server:
delete or rename a file on the UTORweb server, right-click the required
file or folder in the above Internet Explorer window, and select
Delete or Rename.
To copy a file from the UTORweb server to your PC:
a file or folder from the Internet Explorer window doesn't work
on all PCs. (Most likely it only works with Windows ME, Windows
2000, or higher.) Instead, you can right-click the file or folder
in the Internet Explorer window, and then click Copy to Folder.
For Technical Support Staff
above requires the FTP Folders, also called the Graphical FTP Helper
(also known as the Msieftp.dll file), be installed. This is included
with Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows
2000 or newer operating systems or with Internet Explorer 5.x when
a full or typical installation or by installing Web Publishing with
Microsoft Office 2000. There is also an option, on by default, called
Web Based FTP or Enable Folder VIew for FTP depending which software
is installed (found in Windows Start menu, Settings menu item, Control
Panel, Internet Options, Advanced Tab).
Explorer 6 does not install or update the Graphical FTP Helper.
Hence if Internet Explorer 5 is installed without the Graphical
FTP Helper, after an upgrade to Internet Explorer 6 the Graphical
FTP Helper won't be present. In this situation, Microsoft suggests
uninstalling Internet Explorer 6 but we have a negative experience
trying this.
Explorer does all transfers in ftp binary mode; ASCII transfers
are not available. As a consequence, all text files uploaded from
Windows using Internet Explorer (or using ftp from a Save As ...
dialog in an application such as Microsoft Word) have lines ending
in a carriage return and linefeed characters. (MacOS uses only carriage
return as a line terminator, UNIX uses just a linefeed as a line
terminator.) This should not affect most customers. For HTML files,
a carraige return character is treated as white space by all browsers.
For those that need ASCII transfer, see the section Very Advanced
usage at the end of our WS_FTP instructions.
the Information Commons Public Access Facility, and some other access
facilties, Internet Explorer with the graphical ftp helper is available,
but security restrictions do not permit opening My Computer or starting
Windows Explorer to see local files. Hence it is not possible to
drag files to the Internet Explorer window. However, other ftp folder
functionality, such as delete and rename, is available. To transfer
files to the UTORweb server, save documents directly from Microsoft
Word or MacroMedia Dreamweaver.
we have not encountered this ourselves and it is not mentioned in
Microsoft support documents, we have heard from other sites that
sometimes it is necessary to make the server a trusted site by selecting
Tools, then Internet, then Options, then Security. Please let us
know if you encounter this.
for Technical Support Staff
to Install and Use FTP Folders
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q217888
Apples to Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5 , 5.01 , 5.01
Service Pack 1 , 5.01 Service Pack 2 , 5.5 , 5.5 Service Pack 1,
and 6.
Note FTP Folders is included with Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows
Millennium Edition, Windows 2000 or newer operating systems or with
Internet Explorer 5.x when a full or typical installation is selected.
When available, FTP Folders are enabled by default using the Web
Based FTP or Enable Folder VIew for FTP option found under the Windows
Start Menu, Settings menu item, Control Panel, Internet Options,
Advanced Tab.
to Install FTP Folders When You Install Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q299893
Internet Explorer 6 does not install or update the Graphical FTP
Helper (the Msieftp.dll file). Hence if Internet Explorer 5 is installed
without the Graphical FTP Helper, after an upgrade to Internet Explorer
6 the Graphical FTP Helper won't be present. In this situation,
Microsoft suggests uninstalling Internet Explorer 6 but we have
a negative experience trying this.
Option to Install Web Folders When You Install Internet Explorer
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q298637
More on the same issue as the previous item. This article mentions
that the Graphical FTP Helper can also be obtained by installing
Web Publishing with Microsoft Office 2000. (It also comes with Windows
98 SE, Windows ME, or Windows 2000.)
to Access FTP Sites Directly by Using Internet Explorer 5.5
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q306781
General instructions for using the Internet Explorer FTP Folders
to upload, rename, and delete files.
to works, dragging from only lets you create a shortcut. Copy To
Folder won't allow you to create a directory. Quoted from http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBC/tip1300/rh1325.htm
Dragging from an ftp site works correctly with some PCs, most likely
those running Windows ME and Windows 2000. Where it does not work,
use Copy to Folder to copy from the ftp server to the local disk.
e.g. see http://www.teamtsp.com/ftphelp-text.htm
October 01 Written by Alex Nishri
of Toronto
Maintained by Network
Services Group