A gentle Introduction -- A nice, clear and easy to read introduciton
to the philosophy and design of . This document is
very useful for learning how SGML works and how to understand the
Document Type Definition (DTD) files.
The SGML Repository at the University of OSlo, Norway. Lotso of useful
stuff on SGML, includding a list of entity names defined for several of
the different ISO character sets. This is found at:
The ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 Web Service -- To produce standards for
languages and resources for the description and processing of compound and
hypermedia documents, including:
Standard Generalized Markup Language and support facilities;
Document processing architecture and formatting for
documents represented in SGML;
Final-form document architecture and Standard Page Description Language;
Font architecture, interchange format, and services; and
Hypermedia document structuring language and application resources.
SGML Software
This is just a list of stuff that I know and have used.
This is a perl version 5 application for converting SGML documents to
other formats by providing a specification file detailing exactly how you
want to handle each element, external data entity, subdocument entity, CDATA
string, record end, SDATA string, and processing instruction. Very nice.
This is found at: http://www.uottawa.ca/~dmeggins/sgmlspl/sgmlspl.html
(11 April 1996)
Programs such as dtd2html (creates an HTML-based analysis of a DTD),
perlSGML (perl software for dealing with SGML)
and much more. Found at: http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/ (11/April/96).