February 6, 2025
UofT Graduate Student Presentation Event, with presentations by--
Gabriel Briex (PhD Candidate), “Melville and the Utopians”
Colleen McDonell (PhD Candidate), "Stevenson’s Strange Case of Servant Witnesses: Incidental Characters and Major Incident in Gothic Fiction"
Philip Trotter (PhD Candidate), "Disinterring James Hervey’s Meditations among the Tombs: Revision and Pre-Romantic Authorship"

September 20, 2024
Visit to the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books at the Toronto Public Library
Led by Elly McCausland, Assistant Professor of Literary Studies, Ghent University, Belgium

September 18, 2024
"Conversations in the Study of Children’s Literature and Fantasy Literature"
Workshop with Elly McCausland, Assistant Professor of Literary Studies, Ghent University, Belgium

February 29, 2024
“‘Journey-work of the Stars’: A Cultural History of Astrology in the United States”
Paper Presentation by Carrie Tirado Bramen, Professor of English, SUNY, Buffalo

January 25, 2024
"Educating the Imagination / Defending Shelley Defending"
Paper Presentation by Joel Faflak, Professor of English, Western University

September 26, 2023
“Diagrammatic Realism: Eliot, Hardy, DuBois”
Paper Presentation by Ronjaunee Chatterjee, Assistant Professor of English at Queen’s University

Events were suspended.

March 3, 2020
"Bookmaking: Reading and Writing Books in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"
Paper Presentation by Sarah Bull, Assistant Professor of English, Ryerson University

February 7, 2020
"Mary Shelley's Viral Sovereignty"
Work-in-Progress Session with Anjuli Raza Kolb, Associate Professor of English, University of Toronto

February 27, 2020
"Victorian Aestheticism and Erotic Negativity"
Paper Presentation by Dustin Friedman, Assistant Professor of English, American University.
--WINCS-supported event, in assocation with the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies

November 19, 2019
"Romanticism and Open Reading"
Paper Presentation by Jonathan Mulrooney, Professor of English, College of the Holy Cross

October 10, 2019
"The Sea Serpent of Regent Street: A Problem in Victorian Visual Knowledge"
Paper Presentation by Jordan Bear, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Toronto

March 21, 2019
"A Singular Experiment: Frankenstein’s Creature and the Nature of Scientific Community"
Work-in-Progress Session with Michael Nicholson, Assistant Professor of English, McGill University

February 7, 2019
“The Philosopher as Tourist”
Paper Presentation by Sherry Lee, Associate Professor of Musicology, University of Toronto

November 29, 2018
"Reading Melodramatic Form in the Victorian Novel"
Paper Presentation by Carolyn Williams, Professor of English, Rutgers University

October 26, 2018
Day Conference, St. Michael's College: "Reading Frankenstein: Then, Now, Next: A Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818-2018)," with the "Frankenstein Then" Panel Featuring Presentations by Mark Canuel, Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Chicago, Jeffrey N. Cox, Professor of English, University of Colorado at Boulder, Sonia Hofkosh, Associate Professor of English, Tufts University, and Dan White, Professor of English at the University of Toronto, among others. For more information, please visit https://stmikes.utoronto.ca/frankenstein/.
--WINCS-supported event, organized by Professors Paolo Granata, Jean-Olivier Richard, and Terry F. Robinson

October 25, 2018
"Thinking Rivers: The Flow of Influence, Wordsworth-Coleridge-Shelley"
Work-in-Progress Session with Jeffrey N. Cox, Professor of English, University of Colorado at Boulder

March 8, 2018
"Spontaneity, Affect, Second Thoughts: Wordsworth, Eliot and Emotional Thinking"
Work-in-Progress Session with Nancy Yousef, Professor of English, The Graduate Center and Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY)

February 8, 2018
"Epic Fail: The End of the Line for High Epic in the Era of Romanticism"
Paper Presentation by Ian Balfour, Professor of English, York University

January 31, 2018
"Staging Freedom in the Atlantic World"
Paper Presentaiton by Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Professor of Engish, Northeastern University
--WINCS-supported event, organized by the UTM Department of Engish and Drama Research Committee

November 30, 2017
"The Drama of the Ineffable: Charles Lamb, Edmund Kean, and Keatsian Hieroglyphics"
Work-in-Progress Session with Terry F. Robinson, Assistant Professor of English, University of Toronto

November 2, 2017
"World Without Us: The Problem of the Non-Human in Fin-De-Siecle Fantasy"
Paper Presentation by John Plotz, Professor of English, Brandeis University

October 26, 2017
"Epistemology, Belief, and the Status of Fiction in James Anthony Froude’s The Nemesis of Faith (1849)"
Paper Presentation by Amy Coté, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto
"'Drafts upon Heaven': Occidental Avatars and Oriental Debts in Robert Southey’s The Curse of Kehama (1810)"
Paper Presentation by Chris Kelleher, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto

March 16, 2017
"Samuel Butler and the Revenge of the Unborn"
Work-in-Progress Session with Aaron Matz, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English, Scripps College

February 13, 2017
"Thinking in General: Novels, Numbers, and Other Collectives"
Work-in-Progress Session with Caroline Levine, Professor, Department of English, Cornell University

January 25, 2017
"Societies of Blood"
Work-in-Progress Session with Matthew Rowlinson, Professor, Department of English and Writing Studies, Western University

November 17, 2016
"(In)dependence: Simón Bolívar at the Crossroads"
Work-in-Progress Session with Jessie Reeder, Assistant Professor, Department of English, SUNY Binghamton

October 20, 2016
"Edgar Huntly and the Times of Settlement"
Work-in-Progress Session with Melissa Gniadek, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

April 5, 2016
"Wordsworth's Scattered Minds"
Work-in-Progress Session with John Savarese, Assistant Professor, Department of English, U of Waterloo

March 3, 2016
"Coleridge's Slow Time"
Work-in-Progress Session with Jonathan Sachs, Associate Professor, Department of English, Concordia University

January 19, 2016
"'We want no third-fourth, I mean': Intimacy and Friendship in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley"
Paper Presentation by Katherine Magyarody, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto
"Speculations, Mortmain, and the Subjects of Middlemarch"
Paper presentation by Noa Reich, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto

November 17, 2015
"The Last Ruins of Palmyra"
Paper Presentation by Jill Heydt-Stevenson, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Colorado at Boulder

October 27, 2015
"Consilient 'Attentions': Jane Austen’s Scientific Method"
Work-in-Progress Session with Jonathan Farina, Associate Professor, Department of English, Seton Hall University

April 13, 2015
"Great Games; Play and the World of the Spy Story”
Paper Presentation by Penny Fielding, Grierson Professor, Department of English, University of Edinburgh

March 11, 2015
"Frankenstein, Midwifery, and the Epistemology of Imagination"
Paper Presentation by Richard Sha, Professor, Department of Literature, American University

February 9, 2015
"Austen’s Anecdotal Inheritance"
Paper Presentation by April London, Professor, Department of English, University of Ottawa

November 11, 2014
"The Will to Touch: David Copperfield’s Hand"
Work-in-Progress Session with Pamela Gilbert, Albert Brick Professor, Department of English, University of Florida

October 28, 2014
"Love and Forgiveness in Prometheus Unbound"
Work-in-Progress Session with Colin Jager, Associate Professor, Department of English, Rutgers University

October 14, 2014
"Re-Classifying the Victorian Child: The Fairy Books, Anthropology, and the Acculturation of the Child Reader."
Paper Presentation by Andrea Day, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto
"Printed Talk: Victorian Ballad Translation and Circulation"
Paper Presentation by Letitia Henville, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto

September 25, 2014
"Natural History as Translation"
Work-in-Progress Session with Alan Bewell, Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of Toronto

March 26, 2014
"'Made no less for music and song than for the madness of kissing': Oscar Wilde, Student Journalism, and Oxford Politics, 1892-95."
Paper Presentation by Joseph Bristow, Professor, Department of English, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

March 20, 2014
"Anglo-Jewish Romantic Poetry"
Work-in-Progress Session with Karen Weisman, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

March 5, 2014
"Commemorating Writers: Centenary Fever and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Europe"
Joint Work-in-Progress Session with Ann Rigney, Chair of Comparative Literature, University of Utrecht, and Joep Leerssen, Academy Professor and Chair, Modern European Literature, University of Amsterdam

February 27, 2014
"Groping Knowledge: 'Everything' in Henry James"
Work-in-Progress Session with Danny Wright, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

January 31, 2014
"'A narrow girdle of rough stones and crags': Remaking Lyrical Ballads (1800)"
Work-in-Progress Session with Michael Gamer, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania

November 5, 2013
"Improvisation, Speculation, Risky Business: Fiction and Performance, 1824-1826"
Work-in-Progress Session with Angela Esterhammer, Principal of Victoria College and Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

October 9, 2013
"Byron and the Novel"
Work-in-Progress Session with Dino Felluga, Associate Professor, Department of English, Purdue University

September 24, 2013
"'Faithful for Ever?': Coventry Patmore, Marriage, and the Victorian Verse-Novel"
Work-in-Progress Session with Stefanie Markovits, Professor, Department of English, Yale University

March 8, 2013
"Towards a Romantic Textology: Redaction, Translation, Plagiary, and Syncretism in the Nineteenth Century"
Work-in-Progress Session with Michael Macovski, Associate Professor, Communication, Culture, and Technology Program, Georgetown University

February 7, 2013
"Illustration, Renovation, and Obsolescence: Photographic Illustrations of Wordsworth"
Work-in-Progress Session with with Tom Mole, Associate Professor, Department of English, McGill University

January 17, 2013
"Uncertain Futures: Victorian Life Insurance and Charles Babbage's Calculating Engines"
Work-in-Progress Session with with Tina Choi, Assistant Professor, Department of English, York University

December 6, 2012
"Romanticism against Youth"
Paper Presentation by Andrea Charise, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto
"Soothing Thoughts’: Romantic Palliative Care and the Poetics of Relief"
Paper Presentation by Brittany Pladek, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Toronto

November 6, 2012
"Comparing Reception Histories"
Work-in-Progress Session with Heather Jackson, Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

October 17, 2012
"Romantic Things: A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud"
Author-led discussion with Mary Jacobus, Professor Emerita, University of Cambridge, of three chapters from Romantic Things: A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud (Chicago UP, 2012)

October 3, 2012
"Sacred Aesthetics in Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelites"
Work-in-Progress Session with Jo Carruthers and Andrew Tate, Professors, Department of English and Creative Writing, Lancaster University

January 26, 2012
"Staging Realism in the Early Nineteenth-Century Novel"
Work-in-Progress Session with Terry F. Robinson, Assistant Professor CLTA, Department of English, University of Toronto

September 19, 2011
"The Victorian Bourgeoisie"
Work-in-Progress Session with Franco Moretti, Professor, Department of English, Stanford University

February 14, 2011
"Henry Derozio and Hindu Liberalism: Doubt and Disinheritance in 'A Dramatic Sketch' (1830)"
Work-in-Progress Session with Dan White, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

November 2010
“Vitalizing the Victorians: Meat, Power, Horror"
Work-in-Progress Session with Christopher Otter, Associate Professor, Department of History, Ohio State University

November 11, 2009
"Queer Universalism and the French Oscar Wilde"
Work-in-Progress Session with William A. Cohen, Professor, Department of English, University of Maryland

October 26, 2009
"Hardy's Exclusionary Realism"
Work-in-Progress Session with Audrey Jaffe, Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

March 3, 2009
"Recountings: The Financing of Memory and History in Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge and A Tale of Two Cities"
Work-in-Progress Session with Sara Malton, Associate Professor, Department of English, St. Mary's University

February 23, 2009
"Representing Paris: History and Actuality at the London Panoramas"
Work-in-Progress Session with Sophie Thomas, Associate Professor, Department of English, Ryerson University

December 2008
"Blindness Envy: Victorians in the Parlors of the Dizzy Blind"
Work-in-Progress Session with Mary Ann O'Farrell, Associate Professor, Department of English, Texas A&M University

October 16, 2008
"The Canon in Front of Them: 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' in Nineteenth-Century African American Culture"
Work-in-Progress Session with Daniel Hack, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Michigan

"Charles Kingsley's Recollected Empire"
Work-in-Progress Session with Cannon Schmitt, Professor, Department of English, University of Toronto

Other Presenters Have Included:
Rachel Ablow (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Jason Camlot (Concordia University)