and Goals
The Centre for Arts-informed
Research began in 1997 as “The Artful Inquiry Working Group”,
a dozen or so faculty members and graduate students who met regularly
in an “artful” space over food and drink. We discussed issues
and ideas associated with alternative (artful) forms of research and representation,
worked together on research projects, and shared ideas and works in progress.
The Working Group provided an intellectual and collegial context for preliminary
exploration of and inquiry into methodologies, perspectives, and issues
associated with alternative forms of research processes and representational
Perhaps most important, the
Working Group developed a strong sense of community in which like-minded
and -spirited individuals could challenge status quo conceptions of research
and knowledge. Although Working Group members each worked independently
on various artful projects, we also engaged in numerous collaborative
writing and presentation projects.
In 2000, as a result of growing
interest in our work and in expanding the community of artist-researchers,
The Artful Inquiry Working Group evolved into the Centre for Arts-informed
Research. On April 18, 2000 the Centre was launched with a champagne and
cupcake party. Since then the community has continued to evolve. And,
while the venue and most of the people have changed, the nature of the
work more clearly defined or, perhaps, more regular, it remains a community
built on a shared vision, good company, and a spirit of transformation.