




















B.A. 1950 University of Toronto

M.A. 1965 University of Toronto

Ph.D. 1969 University of Toronto



Honourary Doctorate of Naturopathic Philosophy, 2001



Trustee, International Advisory Board of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine, United Kindom, 2001 - present

Member, College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs Program, 2001-present

Member, Canadian Health Network Expert Advisory Panel on Alternative Health, 2000

Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Health and community Studies, De Montfort University, United Kingdom, 1998-2001

Member, National Advisory Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1998-2001

Present Position: Professor Emerita, Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging, 1993 -present

Professor Emerita, Department of Behavioural Science

University of Toronto, 1993 - present

Associate member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, 1992-present

Instructor (part-time) Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, 1966-1967

Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, 1967-1968

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Behavioural Science, Faculty of Medicine (2/3), and Department of Sociology (1/3), 1968-1972

Associate Professor, Department of Behavioural Science (full-time), July, 1972-1980

Full Professor, 1980-1993

Acting Chair of Dept: 1976-78 1980-83

Director, Health Promotion Program, 1986-1993



Department of Sociology

1969-1976 The Canadian Mosaic (full course) designed and implemented by M.J. Kelner

Department of Behavioural Science

1969-present Medical Undergraduate Students (2nd year)

1972-present Supervision of Graduate Students, Sociology

1979-present Master of Health Science Program, Graduate Department of Community Health

1979-present Supervision of Graduate Students in Community Health

1986-present Director, Graduate Program in Health Promotion



To Community Health Students

Sociology of Mental Health - designed by M.J. Kelner, 1980-present

Health in Individuals and Communities - Core Course II, designed by M.J. Kelner and staff

Health Promotion Strategies - designed by M.J. Kelner and P. Loranger, 1987-1993

To Medical Students

Co-ordinator for all Meds II Workshops, 1985-1993

Workshop on Doctors, Patients and Self-Help - designed by M.J. Kelner, 1985-1993

Physicians and Their Families - designed by M.J. Kelner and C. Rosenthal

Workshop on Midwifery - designed by M.J. Kelner and V. Van Wagner 1992



Books and Monographs:

Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B. Pescosolido, B. and M. Saks. 2000. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Challenge and Change. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach/hap.

Pederson, A.P., Edwards, R.K., Kelner, M.J., Marshall, V.M., and K.P. Allison. 1988. Coordinating Healthy Public Policy: An Analytic Literature Review and Bibliography. Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada.

Kallen, E. and M.J.Kelner. 1983. Ethnicity and Successful Entrepreneurship. Toronto: York University, Institute for Behavioural Research.

Kelner, M.J., Hall, O. and I. Coulter. 1980. Chiropractors: Do They Help? Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, abridged version, 1986.

Book Chapters:

Boon, H., Welsh, S., Kelner, M.J. and B. Wellman. "CAM Practitioners and the Professionalisation Process: A Canadian Comparative Case Study." Pp. 123-139 in The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context edited by P. Tovey, G. Easthope, and J. Adams. London: Routledge.

, M.J. 2000. "The Therapeutic Relationship Under Fire." In Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Challenge and Change edited by Merrijoy Kelner, Beverly Wellman, Bernice Pescosolido and Mike Saks. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach/hap.

Kelner, M.J. 1995. "Interviewing Elderly People about the Dying Process." In Images of Aging in Western Societies edited by Cornelia Hummel and Christian Lalive d'Epinay, University of Geneva Press, pp. 181-199.

Kelner, M.J. 1984. "The Transition from Student to Practitioner: The Making of a Chiropractor." In The Sociology of Work in Canada, edited by A. Wipper, The Carleton University Press, Ottawa, pp. 166-183. Second edition, 1995.

Kelner, M.J. 1981. "Chiropractors and Their Competitors." In Work and Professions in Canada, edited by B. Warme and K. Lundy, Butterworth, Toronto.

Kelner, M.J. and E. Kallen. 1975. "Student Response to the Counter-Culture: A Case Study (Toronto)." In The Canadian Family, edited by K. Ishwaran. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, Ltd., 2nd Edition.

Kelner, M.J., Fritz, H. and T.D. Kemper. 1971. "Social Science in a School of Medicine: The University of Toronto Programme." In The Teaching of Social and Behavioural Sciences in Canadian Medical Schools in 1970, edited by D.G. Fish and D.E.Larsen. Winnipeg.

Kelner, M.J. and E. Latowsky. 1971. "Youth: The New Tribal Group." In Social Space: Canadian Perspectives, edited by D.I.Davis and K. Herman, Toronto New Press, pp.240-243.

Kelner, M.J. and E. Latowsky. 1971. "Emerging Patterns of Adolescent and Youth." In The Canadian Family edited by K. Ishwaran, Toronto: Holt Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd., pp.169-185.

Kelner, M.J. 1971. "Ethnic Penetration into Toronto's Elite Structure." In Social Process and Social Structure: The Canadian Case edited by J.F. Gallagher. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd. pp.329-336. Reprinted in:


Davies, D.I. and Herman, K. (Eds.), Social Space: Canadian Perspectives, Toronto: New Press, 1971, pp.186-190.

Boydel, C. and Grindstaff, C. (Eds.), Critical Issues in Canadian Society, Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd., 1971, pp.201-208.

Mann, W.E. (Ed.), Canada: A Sociological Profile, second edition, pp.203-209, Toronto: Copp Clark publishing Company.

Curtis, J.E. and Scott, W.G., Social Stratification: Canada, Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 1973, pp.98-104.

Kelner, M.J. 1970. "Changes in Toronto's Elite Structure." In The Underside of Toronto edited by W.E. Mann. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Ltd., pp.197-204.

Kelner, M.J. and R.F. Badgley. 1969. Sociological Aspects of Hepatitis in Yorkville, Report of the Coordinating Committee established by the Ontario Department of Health, pp. 21-24.

Articles in Scholarly Journals:

Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Welsh, S. and H. Boon. 2006. In Press. “How Far Can Complementary and Alternative Medicine Go? The Cases of Chiropractic and Homeopathy .” Social Science and Medicine.

Burford-Mason, A., Dryden, T., Kelner, M.J., Saunders, P. And Mark Ware. 2005. “Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Pain in Older Adults.” Geriatrics & Aging, 8:(6):28-33.

Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Boon, H. and S. Welsh. 2004. "Responses of Established Healthcare to the Professionalization of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Ontario". Social Science & Medicine, 59:915-930.

Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Boon, H. and S. Welsh. 2004. "The Role of the State in the Social Inclusion of Complementary and Alternative Medical Occupations." Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 12(2-3):79-89.

Welsh, S., Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B. and H. Boon. 2004. "Moving Forward? Complementary and Alternative Practitioners Seeking Self-Regulation." Sociology of Health & Illness, 26(2):216-241.

Kelner, M.J., Boon, H., Wellman, B. and S. Welsh. 2003. "Leaders of Complementary and Alternative Groups Contemplate the Need for Efficacy, Safety and Cost-effectiveness." Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 10(4): 235-239.

Gilmour, J., Kelner, M.J. and B. Wellman. 2002. "Opening the Door to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Self Regulation in Ontario," Law and Policy (Special Issue on International Perspectives on Health Policy) 24(2):149-174.

Thorne, S., Best, A., Balon, J., Kelner, M.J., and Rickhi, B. 2002. "Ethical Dimensions in the Borderland Between Conventional and Complementary / Alternative Medicine. Journal of Althernative and Complementary Medicine, 8(6): 907-915.

Kelner, M.J. and Wellman B. 2002. "Complementary and Alternative Medicine: How do We Know it Works?" and "The Authors Respond." Healthare Papers, 3(5):10-28, 72-77.

Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Boon, H. and S. Welsh. 2002. "CAM Practitioners Seeking Legitimacy," Focus on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7(1):97 (Abstract).

Wellman, B., Kelner, M..J., Boon, H. and S. Welsh. 2001. "Complementary and Alternative Medicine Leaders Address the Professionalization Process." Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 7, S36.

Wellman, B., Kelner, M.J. and Wigdor, B. March 2001. "Older Adult's Use of Medical and Alternative Care." Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 2000. "The Therapeutic Relationships of Older Adults: Comparing Medical and Alternative Patients." Health and Canadian Society/Sante et Societe Canadienne. Vol. 6(1):87-109.

Singer, P.A., Martin, D.K., Lavery, J.V., Thiel, E.C. and Kelner, M.J. 1998. Reconceptualizing Advance Care Planning from the Patients' Perspective. Archives of Internal Medicine. Vol. 158:879-884.

Singer, P.A., Martin, D.K. and Kelner, M.J. 1998. Quality End of Life Care: patient's Perspectives. Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol. 281(2):163-168.

McAnanama, E.P., Rogosin-Rose, M.L., Scott, E.A., Joffe, R.T., and Kelner, M.J. 1998. Discharge Planning in Mental Health: The Relevance of Cognition to Community Living. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 53(2): 129-135.

Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 1997. Health Care and Consumer Choice: Medical and Alternative Therapies. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 45(2):203-212.

Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 1997. Who Seeks Alternative Health Care? A Profile of the Users of Five Modes of Treatment. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol. 3(2):127-140.

MacDonald, K., Doane, B.D., Kelner, M.J. and Taylor, K. 1996. A Sociobehavioural Perspective on Heritable Breast, Ovarian and Colon Cancer: Consumers, Providers and the Public. The Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 154(4):457-464.

Allison, K.R., McNally D., DePape, D. and Kelner, M.J. 1995. The Career Paths of MHSc. Graduates in Health Promotion. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 10-15.

Singer, P.A., Martin, D.K., Lavery, J.V., Theil, E.C., Kelner, M.J. and Mendelssohn, D.C. 1995. Advance Directives in Dialysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Vol. 10, Supplementary, p. 118A.

Kelner, M.J. and Taylor, K. 1995. Strengthening Medical Research Through an Integrated Approach. Commentary. Academic Medicine. Vol. 7, No. 70, Pp. 566-567..

Kelner, M.J. 1995. Activists and Delegators: Elderly Patients' Preferences About Control at the End of Life. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 41, No. 4 Pp. 537-545.

Kelner, M.J., Bourgeault, I.L. and Wahl, J.A. 1994. Regulation and Legislation of the Dying Process: Views of Health Care Professionals. Death Studies. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 167-181.

Kelner, M.J. and Bourgeault, I.L. 1993. Patient Control Over Dying: Responses of Health Care Professionals, Social Science and Medicine, Vol.36, No.6, pp.757-765.

Kelner, M.J. and Bourgeault, I.L. with Hèbert, P. and Dunn, E. 1993. Advance Directives: Health Care Professionals' Perspective. Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 141, No. 8, pp. 1331-1338.

Kelner, M.J., Bourgeault, I.L. 1993. The Line in the Sand: Health Care Providers' Views on Euthanasia. Humane Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.320-321.

Taylor, K., Eakin, J., Skinner, H., Kelner, M.J., and Shapiro, M. 1991. "Physician Perception of Personal Risk of Contracting HIV/AIDS from Work-related Activities", Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1990, Vol. 143, pp.493-503 [Abstract printed in Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 205.

Kelner, M.J., Taylor, K., and Bourgeault, I. 1991. Report to VOICE: Physician Response to Childhood Hearing Impairment.

Kelner, M.J. 1991. Teaching Medical Students About Self-Help, Initiatives 1991, vol 8, no 1.

Taylor, K., Shapiro, M., Skinner, H.A., Eakin, J., & Kelner, M.J. 1989. Understanding Physicians' Response to AIDS, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 140, pp.597-601.

Taylor, K. and Kelner, M.J. 1987. Informed Consent for Randomized Breast Cancer Trials: The Physician's Perspective, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 2: 282-6.

Taylor, K. and Kelner, M.J. 1987. Interpreting Physician Participation in Randomized Clinical Trials, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, Vol. 28, No. 4:389-400.

Kelner, M.J. and Rosenthal, C.J. 1986. Postgraduate Medical Training, Stress and Marriage Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 31.

Kelner, M.J. 1985. Community Support Networks: Current Issues, Canadian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 76.

Taylor, K., Shapiro, M., Kelner, M.J., and Dommermuth, P. 1985. A Mixed Blessing: Informed Consent for Randomized Clinical Breast Cancer Trials. Study Guide, Department of Behavioural Science.

Taylor, K., Kelner, M.J., and Shapiro, M. 1985. "Informed Consent for Breast Cancer Trials." Study Guide for the Medical and Behavioural Sciences, ICI Pharma.

Taylor, K., Shapiro, M. and Kelner, M.J. 1983. The Integration of Behavioural Science Theory and Clinical Experience for Undergraduate Medical Students, Journal of Medical Education.

Kelner, M.J. and Kalnins, I. 1976. Social Science and Medicine: Problems and Rewards of the Interdisciplinary Setting, The Ontario Psychologist, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.32-36.

Cohen, R. and Kelner, M.J. 1976. Teaching Behavioural Science in Canadian Medical Schools - Some Current Views, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 10, pp.23-27.

Kelner, M.J., Haour, M.K., Court, J.P.N. and G. Voineskos. 1975. Environment and Mental Health: Impact of New Buildings on the Programmes and Organization of Psychiatric Hospitals, anadian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 12, pp.190-205.

Kelner, M.J. 1975. Feedback: Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Spaces and People, The Canadian Architect, Vol. 20, No. 9, p.34-40.

Kallen, Evelyn and Kelner, M.J. 1974. The Multicultural Policy: Canada's Response to Ethnic Diversity, Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vols. 2-3, pp.21-34.

Kemper, T.D., Kelner, M.J. and Fritz, H. 1972. Social Science in Schools of Medicine: Problems, Prospects and a Program, Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 1.

Kelner, M.J. 1971. The Effect of a Large Immigration Wave on a Previously Homogeneous Community, Human Relations, Vol. 19, pp.20-23.

Kelner, M.J. 1970. Ethnic Penetration into Toronto's Elite Structure, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 7, pp.128-137.



Ethnic Penetration into Toronto's Elite Structure, Canadian Learned Societies, Toronto, June, 1969.

New Techniques for Research in the Health Field: The Role of Action Research, Second Conference on Social Sciences and Medicine, Aberdeen, September, 1970.

Drug Users as People: Some Reflections on Youthful Drug Use, Canadian Learned Societies, St. John's, June, 1971.

Surnames and Success, Chairman, Round Table Discussion, Canadian Learned Societies, St. John's, June 1971.

The Community Meets the Research (Panel Presentation), Applied Anthropology Association, Montreal, March 1972.

Socio-Economic Correlates of Psychotropic Drug Use, 25th World Medical Assembly, Ottawa, September 1971.

Who Slips Through the Net of Medical Care? Third International Conference on Social Science and Medicine, Elsinore, Denmark, August 1972.

Environment and Mental Health, with M. Haour, J. Court and G. Voineskos, Midwest Sociological Society Meetings, Milwaukee, April 1973.

Behavioural Science in Medical Curricula (Panel Presentation), American Association of Medical Colleges, Washington, November 1973.

Rapporteur, First Canadian Conference on Multi Culturalism, October, 1973.

Panelist, International Seminar on Training Programs in Medical Sociology, University of Leuven, Belgium, August, 23-26, 1976.

Group Leader and Rapporteur, Health Promotion Through Designed Environment Conference, Ottawa, October 5-7, 1976.

The Professional Training of a Chiropractor, Canadian Learned Societies, Montreal, May 1980.

Group Leader, Conference on Light, Health and Design, May 20-22, 1981, Ottawa.

The Training of Chiropractors, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meetings, Montreal, June 1980.

Ethnicity and Successful Entrepreneurship, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meetings, Halifax, June 1981.

Irregular Practitioners: Chinks in the Armour of the Medical Profession, World Congress of Sociology, Mexico City, August 1982.

The Mental Patients Liberation Movement, World Congress of Sociology, Mexico City, August 1982.

Chair, Workshop on Behavioural Aspects of Light, Health and Design, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, May 20-22, 1981.

Organized and Chaired, Canadian Learned Societies, Session on Sociology of Health, and presentation of paper on Canadian Entrepreneurs, Halifax 1981.

Organized and Chaired Session on Comparative Health Care Systems, American Sociological Association August 1981, Toronto.

Role of Chiropractors in Health Care, International Sociological Association, Mexico City, August 1982.

Organized and Chaired, Session on Self-Help Groups in Health Care, International Conference on the Social Sciences and Medicine; Sterling, Scotland, August 1983.

Facilitator at Health Care and Beyond; conferences sponsored in Spring 1983 by Ontario Ministry of Health.

The Impact of Marriage on Stress During Medical Training. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, University of Guelph, June 1984.

Community Support Networks: Current Issues, Beyond Health Care; working conference of the Canadian Public Health Association and The Local Board of Health, City of Toronto; October, 1984.

Medical Marriages: The Experience of Medical Interns and Residents, American Sociological Association, New York, 1986.

A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Physicians' Responses to AIDS, Centre de Recherche Medicine Maladies et Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, June, 1988.

A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Physician Response to AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988, 4th International AIDS Conference.

Physician Perception of Personal Risk of HIV Infection at Work, Poster presentation, 5th International AIDS Conference, Montreal, June 1989

Physician Response to Children with Hearing Impairment, Report to Board of VOICE, with K. Taylor, March 1991.

Ethical Issues in Healthy Public Policy - invited lecture Bioethics Seminar, University of Toronto, January 1992.

Competing Images of Dying: Patients and Health Care Professionals Images of Aging Conference, Trent University, May 1992.

Self-Help in the Training of Physicians. World Conference on Self-Help, Mutual Aid. Ottawa, Canada. September 1992.

Nurses as Caregivers and Advocates for Dying Patients, Conference on Nursing Ethics in the 90's. October 1992. Ethical Rounds.

Regulation and Legislation of the Dying Process, Canadian Bioethics Conference October, 1992. Toronto Canada

Attitudes of Care-givers to Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Queen St. Mental Health Centre, February, 1993. Toronto Canada

Interviewing Elderly Patients About Dying, Images of Aging II Conference, June 1993. Sierre, Switzerland.

A Socio-Political Analysis of Disability, Consultation with the Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, India, January 1994, for International Centre for the Advancement of Community Rehabilitation (ICACBR).

Seminar presentation on the history of Medical Sociology in Canada, Research Committee of the Sociology of Health, Swiss Society of Sociology, March 1994, Geneva, Switzerland.

Plenary Address: Can Research in Medicine be both Scientific and Humanistic? Third Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Psycho-Social Medicine, March 1994, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Patient Decision-Making in Critical Illness: A Canadian Study, International Sociological Association Meetings, July 1994, Bielefeld, Germany.

Health Care Choices of Older Adults. Canadian Association of Gerontology Meeting. October 1996, Quebec City.

Ethical Problems in Clinical Practice: The Role of Alternative/Complementary Medicine in Health Care. Telemedicine Canada, September 24, 1997, Toronto, Canada.

Patient Choice of Health Care: Medical and Alternative Therapies. Vancouver General Hospital: Tzu Chi Institute, February, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.

Health Care Experiences of Older Adults: Comparing Medical and Alternative Patients. Fourth Qualitative Health Research Conference, February 19 -22, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.

Determinants of Patient Choice. Tenth Canadian Medical Association Leadership Conference, February, 1998, Ottawa, Canada.

The Therapeutic Relationship: Medical and Alternative. International Symposium on Why People Use Alternative and Complementary Therapies: Social Science Perspectives. University of Toronto, April, 1998.

Understanding Patient Choices: Medical and Alternative Therapies. Centre for Social Research Seminar, September, 1998, University of Derby, Derby, United Kingdom.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Who, Why and How? (With Bev Wellman) Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging Seminar November, 1998, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Older Adults Who, Why and How?. Sixteenth Annual McMaster Summer Institute on Gerontology. June, 1999, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

The Ethics of Alternative Medicine. Seminar for the Office of Research Services & Faculty of Medicine Research Office. February 3, 2000, University of Toronto, Canada.

Social and Cultural Research on CAM: Challenges and Opportunities. Symposium on CAM Research. June 9, 2000, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

A Social Scientist Examines Why People Use CAM In Spite of Lack of Evidence. Symposium on CAM: The Question of Appropriate Evidence Bases. September 23-24, 2000, York University, Toronto, Canada.

The Need to Demonstrate Efficacy, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness: The Views of CAM Leaders. 7th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care. December 7-9, 2000, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Efficacy, Safety and Cost-Effectiveness: Views of CAM Leaders. (With Bev Wellman) Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging Seminar February 12, 2001, University of Toronto, Canada.

Use of Massage Therapy: The Gap Between Evidence and Action. Massage Therapy Research Day May 5, 2001, Kikkawa College, Toronto, Canada.

Can Traditional Medicine be Integrated? Integration of Conventional & Complementary Medicine: Art and Science of Healing 11, October 19 - 21, 2001, Tzu Chi Institute, Vancouver, B.C.

Complementary and Alternative Practitioners Seeking Legitimacy. 8th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care. December 6 - 8, 2001, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners Seeking Professional Legitimacy. Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto, March 7, 2002.

Complementary/Alternative Practitioners and the Professionalization Process: A Canadian Comparative Case Study. Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 16-19, 2002. Boon, H., Welsh, S., Kelner, M.J. and B. Wellman.

Older Canadians' Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, 2002. Wellman, B., Fuller-Thomson, E. and Kelner, M.J.

Evidence for Efficacy: A Multi-Method Approach. International Conference and Exhibition on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, November 3-5, 2002.

Explaining the Popularity of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Senior Alumni Talk, University of Toronto, November 20, 2002.

Reflections on an International Conference in Chengdu, China on Modernizing Traditional Chinese Medicine. Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging 2002-2003 Noon Hour Seminar Series, University of Toronto, January 13, 2003.

“From the Margins to the Mainstream: Professionalization of CAM Practitioners.” Keynote address at the Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research (In-CAM), University of Toronto, December 5, 2004.

“The Status of CAM: Where Are We Now?” Keynote address at the ACHRN Conference, University of Nottingham, UK, June 29, 2005.

Seminar participant, “Medical Sociology in the 21 st Century: Themes and Trends, Dilemmas and Debates .” University of Edinburgh , Scotland , 18th-20th June 2006.

“From the Fringes to the Mainstream: Contributions of Canadian Medical Sociology to the Study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” Section on Medical Sociology Invited Session. Health Care and Health Sociology in Canada . American Sociological Association 101 st Annual Meeting, Montreal , Québec, August 11-14, 2006.


MacDonald, K., Doane, B.D., Kelner, M.J. and Taylor, K. Background document for: Critical Choices: Ethical, Legal Sociobehavioural Implications of Heritable Breast, Ovarian and Colon Cancer. An International Research and Policy Symposium; Toronto, April 1995, Pp. 19-60.

Kelner, M.J., and Wellman, B. Summary report of: Why People Use Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Social Science Perspectives, An International Symposium on Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Toronto, April, 1997, pp. 1-25.



Kelner, M.J. and B. Wellman. 1996. “Special Report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” CTV 11 pm News Broadcast.

Kelner, M.J. and B. Wellman. “Ethical Problems in Clinical Practice: The Role of Alternative/Complementary Medicine in Health Care.” Telemedicine Canada, September 24, 1997, Toronto, Canada.

Kelner, M.J. Six radio interviews on complementary and alternative medicine ((Halifax, Charlottetown, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Winnipeg, Quebec City) in conjunction with the book of “Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Challenge and Change.” CBC Radio Syndication, December 20, 2000, Toronto, Canada.



Member, Association of Behavioural Sciences and Medicine, and President, 1975-76

Member, Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology

Member, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association

Member, American Sociological Association, Medical Sociology Section



University of Toronto

University of Toronto Teaching Hospitals Association, Board of Directors, representative of the University of Toronto, 1977-1981

Member of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto, (one of two representatives from the Faculty of Medicine) 1977-1980

Chair, Educational Innovations Subcommittee; Faculty of Medicine, 1983-1986

Admissions Committee; Faculty of Medicine, 1983-1990

Undergraduate Medical Curriculum Committee, 1983-1986

Member of the Task Force to Review the Division of Community Health, 1987-88.

Member of Working Party on the Centre for Health Promotion, 1988-1990

Member, Executive Committee for Self-Study Task Force, Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate Curriculum, 1988-89

Chair, Education Committee, Department of Behavioural Science

Chair, Education and Training Committee; Centre for Health Promotion

Member, Task Force on Future of Basic Science Sector, 1992

Member, Conflicts of Interest Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 1991-92

Division 4 Representative on Committee for a Collaborative Graduate Program in Women's Studies.



Committee for Dialogue 81: The Education of Minorities, Univer­sity of Toronto, Planning and Chairing Discussion for Con­ference, 1980-1981

University of Toronto Advisory Committee on Educational Develop­ment, 1980-1982

Chairman, Subcommittee on Admissions and Awards, 1979-1980

President's Advisory Committee on the Budget, University of Toronto, 1978-1979

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Advisory Committee on Research Grants, 1979-1980

Joint University-Hospital Relations Committee, 1977-1980

Advisory Committee, Child in the City Project, 1975-1978

University of Toronto Faculty Association, Representative of the Faculty of Medicine, 1976

Master of Health Science Task Force Committee, 1976-1977

Community Health Program Committee, 1976-1977

Behavioural Science Search Committee, 1988

Community Health Curriculum Committee, 1986-1993

Steering Committee, International Research and Policy Symposium; Critical Choices: Ethical, Legal, Sociobehavioural Implications of Heritable Breast, Ovarian and Colon Cancer. Toronto, April 28, 1995.



Consultant, Review Branch, National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, 1974-1976

President, Association of Behavioural Science in Medical Education, 1975-1976

Board of Directors and Member of Executive, The Dellcrest Children's Centre (for disturbed children), 1980-1987

Consultant, Blood Indian Health Council, Standoff, Alberta, 1977; 1980-1981

Member, Committee for Research Personnel Training, Extramural Research Programs Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, 1982-1990

Member, Built Environment Study Committee, Health Facilities Design, Division of Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, 1981- 1989

Chair, National Public Relations Committee, Canadian Red Cross, 1982-1986

Member, Review Committee #48 for National Health and Welfare Research and Development Program, 1986-1990

Member, Ontario Council on University Affairs, appointed by the Government of Ontario, 1988-1992

Member, Board of Directors, Mount Sinai Hospital; 1988-present

Associate Member, Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, 1992-present

Associate Member, International Centre for the Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1993-present



Assessments for:

Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa

National Institute of Health, U.S.A.

Health and Welfare, Canada, Research Branch

Ministry of Health, Ontario, Research Branch

External Assessor, Ph.D., University of Waterloo, June, 1988

External Assessor, Ph.D., York University, 1989



Canadian Editor, International Journal of Social Science and Medicine, January 1982-1990

Co-Chair, Third Annual Mount Sinai Symposium on Women and Health, OISE, Toronto, October 13, 1988

Member, International Review Board, Environments, 1988-present

Organizer and moderator, International Symposium on Why People Use Alternative and Complementary Therapies: Social Science Perspectives, April 16-18, 1998, Toronto, Canada.

Member, National Advisory Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1998-.



1967-68 Canada Council, Doctoral Fellowship, $1,500.00

1969-71 with R.F. Badgley, Dept. of Health, Province of Ontario, Youth of Yorkville, $78,000.00

1970-71 with E. Latowsky, York University, Faculty of Arts and the University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts, Youth Cul­ture in Canada, $750.00 and $300.00

1972-73 Ministry of Health, Province of Ontario Queen Street Mental Health Centre, $17,186.00

1975-77 with Peter New, Dept. of National Health and Welfare, The Chiropractors in Canada

1977-79 (sole principal investigator) Dept. of National Health and Welfare, The Chiropractors in Canada, $451,342.42

1979-81 with E. Kallen. Social Sciences and Humanities Re­search Council, Canadian Entrepreneurs: Family, Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship, $15,226.00

1985-86 with C.J. Rosenthal. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; Gender Differences in the Impact of Marriage on Work and Stress: The Case of Internship and Residency, $30,000.00

1985- with B.T. Wigdor. J.P. Bickell Foundation; Avoidable Hospitalization of the Elderly, $10,000.00

1987-88 with C.J. Rosenthal. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; Gender Differences in the Impact of Parenthood on Work Stress and Marriage, $15,258.00

1987-88 with K.M. Taylor et al, National Health and Welfare, Physician Response to AIDS (PRA), Pilot Study, $48,000.00

1987-90 with K.M. Taylor, J. Eakin and H. Skinner. National Health and Welfare, Physician Response to AIDS: Phase I, $200,000

1990 with K.M. Taylor et al, Physician Response to AIDS: Phase II $250,000 (resigned from project in March, 1991)

1991 M.J. Kelner, Patient Control Over Dying: Responses of Health Care Professionals, $5,000, Penta Stolp/Sunnybrook Research Trust.

1993 M.J. Kelner, J. Wahl and E. Meslin, Preferences of Elderly Patients Re: The Dying Process, $3,333, SSHRC.

1994-97 M.J. Kelner, Individual and Social Influences on Decision-Making: How People Seek Help, $237,600, SSHRC.

1996 M.J. Kelner, B. Wigdor, Health Care Utilization of Older Adults: Medical and Alternative Care, $23,269.84, S.I.R.P./NHRDP.

1997 M.J. Kelner, Health Care Narratives, $3,000.00, SGS.

1997 M.J. Kelner, International Symposium on Why People Use Alternative and Complementary Therapies: Social Science Perspectives, $10,000, SSHRC.

1997-98 M.J.Kelner, International Symposium on Why People Use Alternative and Complementary Therapies: Social Science Perspectives, $24,680.00, Health Canada.

2000-03 M.J. Kelner, H. Boon, and S. Welsh. Complementary and Alternative Practitioners and the Professionalization Process , $100,000, SSHRC.

2004-07 M.J. Kelner, H. Boon and S. Welsh. Professionalism Revisited: The Tension Between Biomedicine and CAM , $123,705, SSHRC.

2005-06 M.J. Kelner, SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), $3240.




1. Master


A. Radkeywicz - Social Supports Among Elderly Widows in the Ukrainian Community - completed, 1985

K. Yoshida - Perceived Barriers to Physical Exercise Among Adult Females - completed, 1986

Beverley Wellman - Alternative Pathways to Back Care - completed, November 1990.

M. Nicolescu - Life Satisfaction in Later Life - resigned from program, 1990

I. Bourgeault - Alternative Therapies for Cancer - completed, fall 1991

C. Reid - The Near Death Experience - defence scheduled for December, 1999.

Schick - The Mental Health of Visa Students from Hong Kong - completed, December 1994.

2. Doctoral

K. Yoshida - Life Reconstruction Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries - completed, June 1991

Will Boyce - Structural Dimensions of the Community Participation Process: The Health Promotion Contribution Program - completed, September, 1997

K. Carlin - The Concept of Autonomy in Chronic Illness and Disability - in progress.

3. Post-Doctoral

C.J. Rosenthal - Ethnicity & Aging - completed 1983

K.M. Taylor - Randomized Clinical Trials: The Physi­cians Perspectives - a series of studies - completed, 1987

Renée Dion - Dying Patients and Physicians: Strains and Conflicts

Committee Member for:

completed - Leslie Biggs, Doctoral Thesis - A Social History of the Chiropractic Profession

completed - Ann Pederson - Masters Thesis - The Development of the Health Promotion Movement in the Province of Ontario

completed - Helen Shaw - Doctoral Thesis - A Study of Women in Key Corporate and Political Positions in Canadian Society

completed - Seanne Wilkins - Masters Thesis - Factors Influencing Occupational Therapists Decisions to Work with Elderly People

completed - Marie Boutillier - Doctoral Thesis - The Experience of Residents: Medical Education

completed - Elizabeth Peter - Doctoral Thesis - Trust in the Nurse - Patient and Nurse-Physician Relationship

completed - Heather Boone - Doctoral Thesis - A Study of the Naturopathy Profession

completed - Kerry Bowman - Doctoral Thesis - Chinese Canadian Attitudes Toward Advance Directives

completed - Jose Medeiros - Doctoral Thesis - Patient Control Over Dying: The Case of Renal Replacement Therapy

completed - Ivy Bourgeault - Doctoral Thesis - Midwifery in Ontario

completed - Trevor Smith - Doctoral Thesis - Social Support and Mental Illness

completed - Douglas Martin- Doctoral Thesis- End -of Life Decisions

completed - Barbara Secker - Doctoral Thesis - Medico-Legal Jurisdiction over Human Decision Making

in progress - Kevin Willison - Use of Massage Therapy by the Urban Chronically Ill Elderly

in progress - Daniel Hollenberg - The Place of Complementary/Alternative Medicine in Canadian Society

in progress - Katherine Carlin-Informed Consent and Concepts of Authority

External Assessor for:

Ph.D. thesis - Gail Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, June, 1988

Ph.D. thesis - Charles Battersby, York University, March, 1989

Ph.D. thesis - Renée Dion, York University, November 1991

Ph.D. thesis - Shirley Easterman, Institute of Medical Science, 1992

Ph.D. thesis - Olesya Luksha, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK 2004