How Far Can Complementary and Alternative Medicine Go? The Cases of Chiropractic and Homeopathy. Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Welsh, S. and H. Boon. 2006. Available online. Social Science and Medicine.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: How Do We Know If It Works? Kelner, M.M. and Beverly Wellman. 2003. Healthcare Papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 3(5):10-28.

The Authors Respond. Kelner, M.J. and Beverly Wellman. 2003. Healthcare Papers: New Models for the New Healthcare 3(5):72-77.

CAM Practitioners and the Professionalisation Process: A Canadian Comparative Case Study. Boon, H., Welsh, S., Kelner, M.J. and Beverly Wellman. 2004. Pp. 123-139 in Tovey, P., Easthope, G. and J. Adams (Eds), The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context.

The Role of the State in the Social Inclusion of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B., Boon, H. and S. Welsh. 2004. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 12(2-3):79-89.

Responses of Established Healthcare to the Professionalization of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Ontario Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B. Boon, H. and S. Welsh 2004. Social Scinece & Medicine 59:915-930.

Moving Forward? Complementary and Alternative Practitioners Seeking Self-Regulation Welsh, S., Kelner, M.J., Wellman, B. and H. Boon 2004. Sociology of Health & Illness 26(2):216-241.

Opening the Door to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Self-Regulation in Ontario Gilmour, J.M., Kelner, M.J., and B. Wellman. 2002. Law & Policy 24(2):149-174.

Complementary and Alternative Groups Contemplate the Need for Effectiveness, Safety and Cost-effectiveness Research Kelner, M.J., H. Boon, Wellman, B. and S. Welsh Complementary Therapies in Medicine 10:235-239.

Older Adult's Use of Medical and Alternative Care. Wellman, B., Kelner, M.J. and B. Wigdor. March 2001. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

The Therapeutic Relationships of Older Adults: Comparing Medical and Alternative Patients. Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 2000. Health and Canadian Society/Sante et Societe Canadienne. Vol. 6(1):87-109.

Health Care and Consumer Choice: Medical and Alternative Therapies. Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 1997. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 45(2):203-212.

Who Seeks Alternative Health Care? A Profile of the Users of Five Modes of Treatment. Kelner, M.J. and Wellman, B. 1997. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol. 3(2):127-140.



The Status of CAM: Where Are We Now?” Keynote address at the ACHRN Conference, University of Nottingham, UK, June 29, 2005.

CAM Symposium Address: From the Margins to the Mainstream: The Professionalization of CAM Practitioners. First Annual In-CAM Symposium, University of Toronto, December 5, 2004.

The Therapeutic Relationship Under Fire. In Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Challenge and Change edited by Merrijoy Kelner, Beverly Wellman, Bernice Pescosolido and Mike Saks. 2000. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach/hap.

Activists and Delegators: Elderly Patients' Preferences About Control at the End of Life. Kelner, M.J. 1995. Social Science and Medicine. Vol 41(4):537-545.


Partners in Illness: Who Helps When You Are Sick. In Complementary and Alternative Medicine Challenge and Change edited by Merrijoy Kelner, Beverly Wellman, Bernice Pescosolido and Mike Saks. 2000. Reading, United Kingdom: Gordon and Breach/hap.

Lay Referral Networks: Using Conventional Medicine and Alternative Therapies for Low Back Pain. 1995. Pp. 213-238 in Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 12 edited by Jennie J. Kronenfield. Greenwich: JAI Press.

Domestic Affairs and Network Relations. Wellman, B. and B. Wellman. 1992. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships 9:385-409.