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Global Ideas Institute  

2010-11 Mentor Profiles

Jacob Gregory | Remi Kanji | Anya Kilibarda | Dennis Lee | Dylan Marando | Liam McGuinty | Leah Nosal | Rufina Park | Erin Riley | Rajin Singh | Tina Sriskandarajah

JACOB GREGORY is in his first year of a Master of Engineering program through the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Toronto. His degree is also part of the Environmental Engineering Collaborative Program with the Centre for Environment. While his focus is on sustainable urban systems, he is studying a broad range of topics, including environmental finance and leadership. To complement his studies, he helps organize sustainability events on campus and plays intramural hockey for the Faculty of Engineering. Eventually, he hopes to establish a career in sustainability consulting.

Jake holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto, where he graduated with honours. As an undergraduate student, he spent most of his free time learning the art of online poker. Upon graduation, he decided to pursue this as a full-time profession, taking advantage of the flexible schedule to travel through the US Midwest, Mexico and Central America.