- The Exploitation Of The Landscape Of Central And Inner Asia: Past, Present And Future
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.9, Asian Institute, University of Toronto, 2008. Edited by Michael Gervers, Uradyn E. Bulag & Gillian Long.
Price: $40.00 CDN
- Traders and Trade Routes of Central and Inner Asia: The 'Silk Road,' Then and Now
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.8, Asian Institute, University of Toronto, 2007. Edited by Michael Gervers, Uradyn E. Bulag & Gillian Long.
Price: $40.00 CDN
- History and Society in Central and Inner Asia
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.7, Asian Institute, University of Toronto, 2005. Edited by Michael Gervers, Uradyn E. Bulag & Gillian Long.
Price: $40.00 CDN
- Cultural Interaction and Conflict in Central and Inner Asia
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.6, Asian Institute, University of Toronto, 2004. Edited by Michael Gervers, Uradyn E. Bulag & Gillian Long.
Price: $40.00 CDN
- Continuity and Change in Central and Inner Asia
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.5, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 2002. Edited by Michael Gervers & Wayne Schlepp.
Price: $40.00 CDN
- Religion, Customary Law and Nomadic Technology
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.4, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 2000. Edited by Michael Gervers & Wayne Schlepp.
Price: $25.00 CDN
- Historical Themes & Current Change in Central & Inner Asia
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.3, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1999. Edited by Michael Gervers & Wayne Schlepp.
Price: $25.00 CDN
- Cultural Contact, History and Ethnicity in Inner Asia
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.2, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1996. Edited by Michael Gervers & Wayne Schlepp.
Price: $25.00 CDN
- Nomadic Diplomacy, Destruction and Religion from the Pacific to the Adriatic
Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia No.1, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1994. Edited by Michael Gervers & Wayne Schlepp.
Price: $12.00 CDN

The Exploitation Of The Landscape Of Central And Inner Asia: Past, Present And Future
I. The Natural Landscape
- Küt and Dzhut: Food and Famine in Central Asia
STEPHANIE BUNN - Trees: Disease and Healing
RUTH I. MESERVE - Rediscovering Colonised Landscapes: The First Europeans at the Mustagh Pass, Karakoram Himalaya, Inner Asia
II. The Historical Landscape
- The Allocation of Greater Armenian Land under the Mongol Noyans (Commanders) (1220-45)
DASHDONDOG BAYARSAIKHAN - Kongnyŏ: Korean Tribute Women and Mongol-Koryŏ Relations during the 13th and 14th Centuries
GEORGE QINGZHI ZHAO - "On Either Side the River": The Rise of the Manchu State and Chason's Jurchen Subjects
ADAM BOHNET - Death and Burial in Twentieth-Century Mongolia
III. The Spiritual Landscape
- Monasteries in and around Kökeqota
WAYNE SCHLEPP - The Widening Circle of Mongolian Shamanic Practice
IV. The Economic Landscape
- Russian Exploitation of the Landscape of Central Asia: Past and Present
HABIBOLLAH ABOLHASSAN SHIRAZI - Reining in the Periphery: The Modernization of Economic and Human Geographies in Post-Liberation Xinjiang
HASAN KARRAR - Gas, Oil and Water Don't Mix: Are Energy Resource Exports Undermining Central Asian Water Management?
KEELY LANGE - Resource Curse Avoidance Policies in Kazakhstan: Intentions, Debates and Realities
Traders and Trade Routes of Central and Inner Asia: The 'Silk Road,' Then and Now
I. History and Religion of Early Traders and Trading
- 'Hungry for Han Goods': Zhang Qian and the Origins of the Silk Roads
CRAIG BENJAMIN - Peddling Islam: The Merchant in Early Conversion Narratives of the Central Asian Turks
PATRICK A. HATCHER - Samarkand: How the Trade Routes Became the Urban Stage of Power
DOMENICO CATANIA AND CLAUDIO RUBINI - The Traders ofInner Eurasia: Volga Bulgaria in Eurasian Trade, 9th-14th Centuries
MIKHAIL ZELDOVICH - Mongols, Barbarians, and the Great Suzerain: The Shifting Nomenclature of the Mongols during the Early Koryo-Mongol Relations in the 13th Century
MIJI LEE - Indian Merchants in Nineteenth-Century Bukhara: Trade Network and Socio-Cultural Role
M.S. KALANDAROVA - Bukharan Traders and Entrepreneurs in the Late Nineteenth-Early Twentieth Centuries and their Links with Russia
AUDREY BURTON - Continuity and Change in the Trade of Xinjiang into the 1920s
II. Anthropology and Geography
- Ancient Populations of Mongolia
TUMEN DASHTSEVEG - Trading Dance for Identity: The Mongolian Dance, Andai
CATHY KMITA AND MARGUERITE GARNER - Mediators in the Transnational Marketplace: Wholesalers of Tibetan Ceremonial Scarves and the Marketing of Meaning
CHRISTINA HARRIS - The Back of Beyond: Trade, Geography and Central Asia's Predicament
LEVENT HEKIMOGLU - Trade and the Role ofa New Silk Road for Traders in Central Asia: The Iranian Case
III. Economics and Trade
- New Ways of Revitalizing Trade Routes and the Economy in Uzbekistan
FARIDUN ODILOV - Economic Reform in Authoritarian Uzbekistan
MARTIN C. SPECHLER - New Trade Routes and New Traders of Energy Resources in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea Region
PINAR IPEK - Mongolian and Tuvan Aid to Wartime Russia
IV. Education
- Teaching and Trading: Local Voices and Global Issues from Central Asia
SARFAROZ NIYOZOV AND DUISHON SHAMATOV - Public Policies in the Higher Education of Kazakhstan
History and Society in Central and Inner Asia
I. History and Religion
- The Role of Islam and Expansion of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Domestic Environment of Central Asia
HABIBOLLAH ABOLHASSAN SHIRAZI - Female Anxiety and Female Power: the Political Involvement of Mongol Empresses during the 13th and 14th Centuries
GEORGE QINGZHI ZHAO AND RICHARD W. L. GUISSO - From Nomad’s Tent to Garden Palace: Evolution of a Chinggisid Household in the Crimea
II. Material Culture
- Linking the Doctrinal and the Textual with the Visual Representation of the Parinirvana Scenes in the Kizil Grottoes
RAJESHWARI GHOSE - ‘A Nation of Nomads’? The Lifeway of the Yuezhi in the Gansu and Bactria
CRAIG BENJAMIN - The Buddhists of Bamiyan: Tibetan Vajrayana Roots in Afghanistan
NICHOLAS CORBETT - From the Domestic to the Divine: Kyrgyz Shyrdak Felts
III. Politics
- Homeland as a Domestic Sphere in Kazakhstan: Historical Homeland (Istorichskie Rodina), Homeland (Rodina) and Soviet Homeland (Sovietskoe Rodina)
JAKOB RIGI - The Rise of Modem Uighur Nationalism
JENNIFER TAYNEN - Tajikistan’s Civil Society Environment: Endogenous Preferences & Exogenous Perceptions
NAJAM ABBAS - Ethno-nationalism in Post-Soviet Central Asia and Uzbekistan
MAITE OJEDA MATA - Authoritarian Regimes in Central Asia and their Impact within the Domestic Environment
JAFAR GHAMAT - Abstract of Research: The Impact of Globalization on the National Values of Central Asian States
IV. Health and Education
- The Welfare State and Gender: New Directions in Reshaping a Welfare Policy of Post-Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan
AYSEGUL KOZAK AND GULSEREN ISIK - Language, Literacy and Education in Tajikistan
STEPHEN A. BAHRY - Challenges of Education and History Teaching in Kyrgyzstan
DUISHON SHAMATOV - Coverage of Environmental and Environmental Health News of Central Asia by Independent News Web Sites
ERIC FREEDMAN - Activities of the International Charitable Foundation Meerim in Kyrgyzstan
V. Resources and the Environment
- Ecological Problems of Central Asia Resulting from Space Rocket Debris
M. NAURYZBAEV, S. BATYRBEKOVA, B. KENESOV, KH. TASSIBEKOV, A. VOROZHEIKIN, YU. PROSKURYAKOV - A Looming Water Crisis in Chinese Central Asia: Are the Kariz Dying Out in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)?
Cultural Interaction and Conflict in Central and Inner Asia
I. History
- Control through Conciliation: Royal Marriages Between the Mongol Yuan and Koryŏ (Korea) During the 13th and 14th Centuries
GEORGE ZHAO - Constructing the "Green Isle": Changing Notions of Territory and Homeland Among Crimean Tatars
BRIAN GLYN WILLIAMS - Kipling’s Afghanistan
II. Anthropology
- The Relationship Between Land and People in Kyrgyzstan
STEPHANIE BUNN - A Young History Teacher in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
DUISHON SHAMATOV - The Physical and Human Geography of Inner Asia in the Early 1920s Through the Eyes and Lens of C. P. Skrine
DANIEL C. WAUGH - The Space Between Two Journeys: Kazakh Social Organization and Rural to Urban Migration
III. Art and Architecture
- Hybridity and Conquest: Patterns of Liao (AD 907-1125) Khitan Tomb Burial
HIROMI KINOSHITA - The Oases Settlements of Central Asia
MANU P. SOBTI - Red Lintels, Green Rooftops: The Role of Architecture in Eight Paintings from Temple 9 at Bezeklik
IV. Archaeology
- The African Emergence and Early Human Expansion into Near East and Central Asia: “Out-of-Africa Hypothesis” from Near Eastern and Central Asian Point of View
KAMAL ALDIN NIKNAMI - Natural and Human Geography of Miyankuh
EMRAN GARAZHIAN AND LEILA PAPOLI YAZDI - Miyankuh People: Adaptation of Village Plans to Their Environment
EMRAN GARAZHIAN - An Ethno-Archaeological Perspective on the Lack of Agricultural Land and Multi-Professions in Miyankuh
LEILA PAPOLI YAZDI - Analytical Study of Architectural Monuments and Data in Southern Turkmenia and Western Iran
V. Politics and Economics
- Explaining the Emergence of the Hizb ut-Tahrir in Kyrgyzstan: Structure, Chance, Choice
ALISHER KHAMIDOV - The Conquest of a Common Cultural Legacy: Turkey and Turkic Asia
PIERRE CYRIL PAHLAVI - Land Reform and Privatization in Central Asia: Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
HABIBOLLAH ABOLHASSAN SHIRAZI - Myth of Pan-Turkism: Turkish Central Asian Policy in the Early 1990s
SAPARBEK TUYAKBAYEV - Competition in the Countries of Central Asia in the Name of Cultural Influence
EMMA BEGIJANYAN - Caliphate in Central Asia: Islamist Ambition or Political Fantasy?
VI. Natural Resources
- A Market Approach for Water Use in Central Asia: Instituting the Bank of the Aral Sea and Utilizing Grass-Root Water User Associations
KUATBAY BEKTEMIROV AND LUKE POTOSKI - Water Consumption as a Management Factor for the Sustainable Development of Uzbekistan
ROKHAT M. USMANOVA - The Kazakh Mining Industry: Economic and Social Impacts
VII. Review Article
- The Secret History of the Mongols, A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century
Continuity and Change in Central and Inner Asia
I. Politics, displacement and conflict:
- Les Européens de l’Asie centrale: une culture entre deux mondes
BORIS CHUKHOVICH - The Sources of Kazakhstani Conduct
ROBERT M. CUTLER - The Western Lands XIYU in the Political Thinking of the Qing Empire
DINA DOUBROVSKAIA - The Ethnic Origin of the Huns and their Appearance in Eastern Europe
JUSUF DZAFAROV - Turkic Nomads: The Élite of Ninth-Century Muslim Armies
GHADA JAYYUSI LEHN - Repatriation to Kazakhstan: History and Current Situation
GULNARA MENDIKULOVA - Russia’s Great Game in Tibet?
II. New economic order:
- The Problems of Reconciling the values of Civil Society with the Requirements of a Market Economy in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan
RAHAT ACHYLOVA - Economic Prospects for Central Asia: Competing in the Global Marketplace
GULNARA MOLDASHEVA - The Cult of Heaven (Tengris) in the Buryat-Mongolian Epic
B. S. DUGAROV - Iranian Social and Economic Development
EDITA NESZMELYI - The Main Characteristics of Mongolian and Korean Economic Development, Focussing on Agriculture
III. The perennial worlds of culture and nature:
- Reinventing the Dzud: an Evolving Disaster and an Evolving Term
OTTO FARKAS - The Cult of Heaven (Tengris) in the Buryat-Mongolian Epic
ROSALIND BRADFORD - Coin and Sculpture Arts of the Kushan Era, First to fourth centuries AD
DAVID JONGEWARD - Observations on the honorific system of Korean
HYE-YOUNG IM - The Nomadic Cultural Perspective in the Kazak Language
TALANT MAWKANULI - Wife, Mother, Shamaness, Warrior Woman: The Role of Women in Mongolian and Siberian Epic Tales
SARANGEREL - The Skylark Myth in Buryat Epic and the Siberian Tradition of the Bird-Shaman
BAYAR DUGAROV - Urban Metamorphosis and Change in the Central Asian Region after the Arab Invasions: An Analysis of Archaeological Findings, Literature and Scholarly Writings
MANU P. SOBTI - Examples of Iconographical Usage: the Bronze Basin from the Hodja Ahmad Ysawi Shrine in Turkestan and the Nisan Tasi in the Mawlana’s Lodge in Konya
BURCU TEKIN & HAKAN TEKIN - Population Decadence and Dynastic Decline in the Mongol Empire
Religion, Customary Law, and Nomadic Technology
I. Social and Cultural Context of Nomadic Technology,
ancient and Modern
- The Creation of Cloth-Weaving Traditions amongst the
Nomadic Pastoralists of Rupshu (Eastern Ladakh)
MONISHA AHMED - Uighurs and Technologies of Literacy
MICHAEL C. BROSE - Material Culture of the Nomadic Uighurs of the
Eighth-Ninth Centuries in Central Asia
ABLET KAMALOV - The Uses of Blood in Traditional Inner Asian Societies
RUTH I. MESERVE - The Nomads’ Armament: Home Made Weaponry
JOHN MASSON SMITH JR - Zamzam Water on A White Felt Carpet: Adapting Mongol Ways
In Muslim Central Asia, 1550-1650
II. Religion and Customary Law
- Christianity and the Nomads of the Black Sea and Caspian Steppes
JOSEPH DZAFAROV - The Buryat Geser Epic and Its Relationship with Buryat Shamanism
SARANGEREL - The Cult of Heaven (Tengris) in the Buryat-Mongolian Epic
B. S. DUGAROV - Buddhism and Revolution in Mongolia
IRINA MOROZOVA - Aspects of Medieval Mongolian Law: An Exercise in Legal Archaeology,
Or, A View through the Lens of Legal History
Historical Themes and Current Change in Central and Inner Asia
Tribute to Robert Reid
I. The Political Past
- Central Asia’s Continuing Role in the World Economy to 1800
ANDRE GUNDER FRANK - Power and Ethnicity in the Northern Liao Secession, 1122-1123
PAUL C. FORAGE - The Cult of the Kökönuur Lake: Ritual and Political Control of Nomads in 18th-20th Century China
URADYN E. BULAG - At the Western Fringe of the Steppe
II. The Cultural Past
- Tiger Stripe Patterned Chinese Textiles
JOHN E. VOLLMER AND JACQUELINE SIMCOX - A Sogdian Thaurnaturgical Text from Dunhuang and the Origins of Inner Asian Weather Magic
DAVID A. UTZ - Areal Religious Phenomena in Tibet and Central Eurasia
III. Present Conditions
- Transitional Political Institutions in Modern Kazakstan
ZHANYLZHAN DZHUNUSOVA - Kazakhstan and Efforts at Economic Integration with Other CIS States: The Customs Union and the Single Economic Space
NATSUKO OKA - Tadjikistan, Une Guerre Inévitable?
NASRIN DADMEHR - Environmental Scarcity: Considering the Aral Sea Basin
Cultural Contact, History and Ethnicity in Inner Asia
I. Cultural Contact at a Distance
- Art and Identity: The Chinese and their ‘Significant others’ in the Third and Second Millennium BC
KATHERYN M. LINDUFF - On Medieval and Early Modern Science and Technology in Central Eurasia
RUTH I. MESERVE - Western Embassies to the Mongols and the Prospects for Their Conversion, 1245-1253
II. Mongolian History and Culture
- Tree Worship in Early Mongolia
CHAOLU WU (Chuluu Ujiyediin) - Instruction and Entertainment in the Naiman Battle Text: An Analysis of 189 through 196 ofThe Secret History of the Mongols
PAUL KAHN - Diary of Ivan Iakovlevich Korostovets, Russian Plenipotentiary in the Russo-Mogolian Negotiations in Urga in 1912-13
III. China and Muslim Inner Asia
- Contested History: Issues in the Historiography of Inner Asia’s Uighurs
LINDA BENSON - Modern Uyghur, A Historical Perspective
JEAN-R. DUVAL - The Xinjiang Mummies and Foreign Angels: Art, Archaeology and Uyghur Muslim Nationalism in Chinese Central Asia
Nomadic Diplomacy, Destruction and Religion from the Pacific to the Adriatic
Introduction to the Series
- The Spread of World Religions in Medieval Nomadic Societies of the Eurasian Steppes
ANATOLY M. KHAZANOV - "Spurred on by the Fear of Death": Refugees and Displaced Populations during the Mongol Invasion of Hungary
JAMES ROSS SWEENEY - Two Cultural Brokers of Medieval Eurasia: Bolad Aqa and Marco Polo