The Lipshitz lab offers education and training in the areas of genetics, genomics, molecular and developmental biology. We are affiliated with the Department of Molecular Genetics of the University of Toronto. Since January 2017, we have been located in new laboratory space in the MaRS Centre, West Tower. Operating funds are from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Graduate students in the lab belong to the Department of Molecular Genetics. Interested students must first apply to and be accepted by the Department; postdoctoral fellows may apply directly to the lab. Students in the lab have the option of obtaining a specialist degree in developmental biology by joining the University's Collaborative Graduate Specialization in Developmental Biology.

Toronto is one of the largest Drosophila research centers in the world, with almost 20 research groups whose focus ranges from biochemistry and molecular biology to the genetic analyses of development and behavior. A joint ‘FlyGroup' meeting, held every fortnight, facilitates discussion of ongoing research projects. We also form part of the vibrant developmental biology community in the city, which includes research groups that study the development of mouse, Xenopus, zebrafish, flies, C. elegans, planaria and Arabidopsis.