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Home, University of Toronto

Alumni News - Jan/Feb 2005


Message from the President
  • Message from the President
    • Joint SOG-HPME & CCHSE Toronto Chapter event a success
    • 2005 SOG Activities
    • Send us your news
    • Annual Dues
  • Missed the Joint CCHSE / HPME Event? Get the Slides
Leadership & Innovation
  • Mary Jo Haddad Offers Five Ingredients of Leadership
  • Alumni Profile - Corinne Berinstein
On the Move
  • Diane Doran Appointed Interim Dean, Nursing
  • Alison Quigley - New Executive Director of Child Health Network
  • Kim Timleck - New Telemedicine Project Lead
Program Director's Report
  • HPME Year in Review
Research Highlights
  • New HPME Publications Focus on Hospital Priority-Setting and Performance
  • New Study on Ambulatory and Home-Based Palliative Care
  • Coyte's Health Care Settings and Canadians Chair Renewed
Education Highlights
  • Physician Leadership Program - A Great Success!
Faculty and Student News
  • Faculty
    • Mary Hannah Receives Research Scientist of the Year Award
    • Andrea Bezjak Appointed as MacNaughton Chair
    • James Wright Appointed Surgeon-In-Chief at Sick Kids
  • Students
    • Student Awards: Rueda, Valiquette, Virani, Aslanyan
  • In the News
Bits and Pieces
  • M-THAC Symposium on Community Services