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Alumni News - Jan/Feb 2005

Message from the President

I am very happy to report that the inaugural joint SOG-HPME & CCHSE Toronto Chapter event entitled, “Does Culture Eat Strategy for Lunch” was a huge success!

Thank you to members of our Planning Committee, Tina Smith ('86), Susan Tremblay ('94), Malak Sidky ('93), Brock Hovey and Cheryl Harrison ('00).

Thank you also to our generous sponsors who made this event possible:

Silver Sponsor 3M
Bronze Sponsor Johnson & Johnson
Supporters Hilrom

Please see below for details of this event.

2005 SOG Activities

This year's Executive Committee is busy planning for the year's activities.

If you wish to become involved in event planning for any of the Society's activities, please e-mail msidky@rogers.com .

Send us your news

Remember to keep in touch! Let us know about changes in your career or leading edge work that you are involved in by e-mailing tina.smith@utoronto.ca . With your permission, we will publish your news in our Newsletter.

Annual Dues

Finally, a reminder… it's that time of year again! Please send in your annual dues. Your contribution of $40 helps the Society to host our annual events. Visit the website now to review the various payment options.

Jennifer Clarke ('92), President

Missed the Joint CCHSE / HPME Event? Get the Slides

On January 18, 2005, the Society of Graduates in HPME and the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian College of Health Service Executives organized a joint event entitled: "Does Culture Eat Strategy for Lunch?"

The event, which was held at the Park Hyatt Hotel in downtown Toronto , was very well attended. Key note speaker Brian Lee, President, CEO and Founder, Custom Learning Systems Group Ltd. gave a very stimulating and provocative talk.

Panelists included Maura Davies, Vice-President Capital Health; Wayne Flynn, Vice-President, Sales, Hill-Rom; and Judi Clarkson, President, Mediated Solutions Inc. Each panelist offered their perspective on the topic. All agreed that a good corporate culture was indeed necessary in order to achieve strategic goals and objectives. The dialogue and question period was ably moderated by Louise Lemieux-Charles, Chair and Associate Professor, HPME.

An evaluation of this first-time session showed that the attendees were very pleased with the day and it is our hope that this event will be an annual one.

Brian Lee's Powerpoint Presentation Available Here