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Alumni News - May/June 2005

Program Director's Report

Department to Launch Major Fundraising Campaign

Work has begun on a $6 million fundraising campaign for the Department. The campaign theme is “Ideas and Innovation for Health Care Leadership” and highlights our role as the leading source for innovative thinking in health policy, management and evaluation and the training ground for future health care leaders.

The campaign identifies three key needs and the funds required to support them:

We are working closely with the Faculty of Medicine Advancement Office on the campaign, and are benefiting from their support and expertise. A brochure has been developed to support the campaign and will be available more widely on our website.

Watch for more information about the campaign in the coming months as plans continue to develop.

Ahmed Bayoumi New Associate Director of Clinical Epidemiology

Ahmed Bayoumi , an active member of the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care program since 1998, is the new Associate Director of the program effective April 1, 2005 . Dr. Bayoumi is also the Course Director for Clinical Decision Making and Cost Effectiveness Analysis, lectures in several other courses, supervises students and sits on committees. He completed his MSc in Clinical Epidemiology in HPME in 1997.

HPME Goes to College in the Fall

The long-anticipated departmental move to College Street is about to become a reality. HPME will share the new seven-story building (formerly occupied by the Toronto District School Board) with the department of Public Health Sciences and the Faculty of Nursing. This newly renovated space will offer more and larger classrooms, more student workspace, meeting rooms and lounges and more office space for research staff. The new Health Sciences Building promises to bring HPME faculty and staff together, facilitating collaboration with health researchers from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. The move is scheduled to take place in early Fall. Classes will be held in the Health Sciences Building in September.

Research Day Awards

The Department of HPME's held its Annual Research Day on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 . The winners of awards were:

Thomas & Edna Naylor Memorial Award
Best MSc/PhD Thesis in
Health Services Research

Douglas Lee (supervisor - Jack Tu) / P.C. Austin / J.L. Rouleau / P. Liu /D. Naimark / J.V. Tu,
"Predicting mortality among patients hospitalized for heart failure: derivation and validation of a clinical model"

Eugenie Stuart Awards
Excellence in Teaching
Excellence in Course/Program
   Development & Coordination
Outstanding Faculty Preceptor
   / Tutor
Excellence in MSc/PhD Thesis
Audrey Laporte

Murray Krahn

Vytas Mickevicius

Jan Hux

Ted Goldberg Award
Most Promising PhD Student Catherine Mah (supervisor - Paul Williams)

Claire Bombardier Award
Most Promising Student (2)
(Clinical Epidemiology)

Matthew Muller
(PhD - supervisor - Allison McGeer)

Olga Gajic-Veljanoski
(MSc, supervisor - Angela Cheung)

Harold Livergant Award
Outstanding MHSc Year 1 Student
in the field of Complex Continuing Care

Margaret Grant

Maureen Dixon Award
Student most likely to make an outstanding contribution to a community based agency or long term care

Waseem Sharieff (supervisor - George Tomlinson) / S. Zlotkin / M. Krahn / W. Ungar / B.M. Feldman / G. Tomlinson,
"Projecting Long-term Effect of Supplementing Pakistani Infants with Micronutrients: A Cost Benefit Analysis Using Computer Simulations"

Robert Duff Barron Graduate Scholarship
MHSc - academic excellence and leadership in the area of public health policy

Kim Hruda

PhD Poster Awards
Eugene Vayda Award -
First Place
Nimesh Desai (supervisor - Allan Detsky) / S. Miwa / M.P. Pelletier / G. Cohen / G.T. Christakis / B.S. Goldman / C.D. Naylor / E. Cohen / S.E. Fremes,
"Systematic improvements in the technical results of coronary surgery using prospective clinical trials "

HPME Student Union Award - Second Place

Baiju Shah (supervisor - Andreas Laupacis) / J.E. Hux / A. Laupacis / B. Zinman / G.L. Booth,
"Gaps in cardiovascular risk modification for diabetic patiens vary between specialities "

MSc Poster Awards
HPME Student Union Award -
First Place
Prakesh Shah (supervisor - Arne Ohlsson) / J. Beyene / T. To / A. Ohlsson / M. Perman, "Post-asphyxial hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in neonates: prediction rule within first four hours of birth "

Second Place

Lorraine Lipscombe (supervisor - Jan Hux) / P. Goodwin / B. Zinman / J.R. McLaughlin / J.E. Hux,
"Increased rates of prior breast cancer in women with newly diagnosed diabetes "

MHSc Poster Awards
G.B. Rosenfeld Award -
First Place
Lorraine Reynolds / C. Dewa,
"Community treatment orders: a data analysis"

Second Place

Linda Crawford / C. Dewa,
"Bringing palliative care home - a workload and time costing study of the hospice palliative care network "