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Alumni News - May/June 2005

Bits & Pieces

Have You Published an Article Lately?

If you are an HPME alumnus and were the author or co-author of an article that was published in the last year ( July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005 ), you are eligible for the Society of Graduate's Literary Award.

The nomination process is simple:

E-mail an electronic version of your article as it appears in the publication along with publication details (journal name, date/ volume # etc) to msidky@rogers.com


Snail mail a copy of your published article to: Society of Graduates in HPME, c/o P.O. Box 972 , Kleinburg , ON L0J 1C0

Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2005 , so don't delay!

Evaluation Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated based on the:

The Prize

The award will be presented at our Alumni Recognition Dinner on October 20, 2005 at The University Club and will include:

Good Luck!

Hospital Report IC 5 Quality Congress

“Improving Continence Care in Complex Continuing Care” , more commonly known as IC 5 , is the first multi-hospital collaborative led by the Hospital Report Research Collaborative. Fifteen IC 5 hospital teams met over 10 months to study, test and improve processes and practices in Continence Care, under the guidance of leading Continence Care and Quality Improvement experts. The results of the collaboration will be presented at the IC 5 Quality Congress in Toronto on November 18, 2005 .

Keynote speaker, Dr. G. Ross Baker, will discuss strategies for accelerating improvement in care. Dr. Gary Teare, Director of Quality Measurement and Analysis for Health Quality Council, will present preliminary findings from the IC 5 evaluation. 

The IC 5 Quality Congress brochure can be downloaded from the Hospital Report Research Collaborative website.


It's gratifying for those of us putting together this newsletter, to know that you read it quite thoroughly. As a result of your close reading, we are aware of the need to make two corrections to the April/May issue:

In ‘Leadership & Innovation', in our Profile of Alumna Marsha Barnes, we referred incorrectly to Dr. Martin Barkin who, at the time in question, was Deputy Minister of Health, Ontario.

In ‘Bits & Pieces', in the report on staff and students who presented at the COACH conference, we incorrectly referred to Dr. Doina Lupea.

Thanks for your close attention, and apologies for our errors. Keep your comments coming!