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Alumni News - September/October 2005

Leadership & Innovation


Alumni Profiles

Alumni of the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (HPME) are involved in a broad range of leadership activities across the health care sector. To promote greater awareness of the many accomplishments and innovations of this diverse group, we are pleased to include alumni profiles as a regular feature of the Society of Graduates newsletter.

In this issue, Ken Tremblay contributes a piece on HPME's first MHSc students, the Class of 1980. Ken, former class representative and graduate of this class, is now the President and CEO of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance.

Ken Tremblay - "The Class of 1980"

This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Class of 1980.  While anyone who works in healthcare for 25 years is deserving enough, the Class of '80 requires special note.  Theirs was the first class to receive a Master of Health Sciences degree.  There were some growing pains for the Department as students would receive a graduate degree from the Faculty of Medicine. Defining the bar while simultaneously raising it were frustrating activities for a rather diverse class.

But let's look at them now. The healthcare landscape has been shaped and reshaped by successive governments, commissions, innovations in both clinical and information technology, downsizing and re-engineering in human resources, organizational processes and models of care.

The 1980 class has encountered a raft of nouns new to health care over the years: merger, alliance, regionalization, integration, downsizing, case costing, revenue generation, restructuring...and the list goes on.  

They have functioned under the health care platforms of Liberal, Conservative and New Democrat provincial governments.  The Ministers of Health who have carried responsibility during their careers are many: Messrs Timbrell, Grossman, Witmer, Wilson, Smitherman, Lankin.  Their deputy ministers have included names known to many of us:  Messrs Dyer, Decter, Hassen, Sapsford, Barkin, Lozon.

The 1980 class has persisted through the ebb and flow of providers, practitioners, consultants and observed the OHA as it went through its several iterations of advocacy, education and leadership under Alan Hay, Gordon Cunningham, Dennis Timbrell, David MacKinnon and Hilary Short.

Yep - these folks have seen change and lots of it.  C'mon out and help us celebrate 25 interesting years of their careers and leadership - they'll appreciate it.

See you there!

Ken Tremblay

Silver Anniversary Class of 1980

Yoel Abells
Norm Allaire
Darlene Barnes
Leslie Boehm
Susan Burns
Daniel Carriere
Patricia Cawley
David Colgan
Charles Crymble

Dennis Egan
Paul Gamble
Mary Hockin
Judith Mann
Elizabeth McCartney
Sheila Monroe
Lorna Reid
Mark Rochon
Irene Roome
Doreen Saunders
Fernando Scopa
Kane Scott
Charles Sitwell
William Thibert
Hanita Tiefenbach
Ken Tremblay