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Spring/Summer 2011

SOG/CCHL Education Event Explores Ethics for Leaders

Valerie RackowBy: Valerie Rackow, Project Coordinator, HPME

On February 24, 2011, members of the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and the SOG gathered for a light breakfast and then were treated to an excellent panel discussion on Ethics for Leaders: What Keeps You up at Night? For the first time, the event was Webcast live across Canada. People from Halifax to Yellowknife joined the broadcast, which will be archived for your online viewing for one year.

Jennifer Gibson, an assistant professor in the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto, was the first speaker. She set the stage by providing a framework in which to place questions of ethics.

Frank Wagner, from the Toronto Community Care Access Centre, spoke candidly and passionately about Resource Allocation in a Time of Scarcity. Nicholas Offord, of The Offord Group, spoke about the ethics of fund raising from his unique perspective from his years as president of the Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation. And Jonathan Breslin, an ethicist at North York General Hospital, was entertaining, pushing the limits of discussion about fundraising in publically funded organizations, and getting the audience to think about what is – and is not – appropriate.

The session was ably moderated by Gaetan Tardif of the Rehabilitation Institute. The presenters' PowerPoint presentations are available online.

The SOG/CCHL event took place at the Public Health Sciences Building at the University of Toronto, in a newly refurbished classroom. The venue was central and accessible to public transit and, in keeping with the times, kept costs down for all participants.