D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


October 2001


Office of the Chair



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Office of the Chair

Search Committee Announced for New Department Chair

On September 24, 2001 Dean Naylor announced the membership of the Search Committee for a new Chair for the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation.

Membership of the Search Committee is as follows:

  • Committee Chair - David Naylor
  • Department Faculty - Rhonda Cockerill / Dave Davis / Raisa Deber / Gillian Hawker / Terry Sullivan
  • Students - Tamara Daly (MSc/PhD student) / Lee Fairclough (MHSc graduate student)
  • Cognate Chair/Dean Representatives - Harvey Skinner (Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences) / Dyanne Affonso (Dean, Faculty of Nursing)
  • School of Graduate Studies Representative - Umberto De Boni (Associate Dean, SGS)
  • Hospital Representative - Joseph Mapa (President and CEO, Mount Sinai Hospital)

Annual Year End Celebration

We don't want you to miss out, so please mark your calendars now! The Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation will host it's Annual Year End Celebration on December 6, 2001. Further details to be announced shortly.

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