D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


October 2001


Office of the Chair



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Other Notables

Ross Baker and Liane Soberman Present at International Conference in Australia

Last month, Ross Baker and Liane Soberman Ginsburg attended the Fourth International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services in Sydney, Australia. Both were part of a group representing HEALNet, a federally funded network of researchers whose work aims to improve decision-making in healthcare. Ross Baker presented a paper on the "Development and Use of Performance Measurement Frameworks To Improve Decision-Making in Canadian Healthcare". He also participated in a panel presentation on Canadian research efforts, featuring the work of HEALNet and the Canadian Institutes of Health Services Research. Liane Soberman Ginsburg presented a paper on "How Managers Perceive Hospital Performance Data" based on her PhD thesis research in the Department. Participants in the meeting came from more than 20 countries.

The Department of HPME Welcomes Andrew Bland, NHS Management Trainee

Andrew Bland is currently on a three-month elective placement within the Department of HPME where he is studying Patient Satisfaction under the supervision of Steinni Brown. The elective is one stage of a two-year fast track Management Training Scheme in the English NHS, developed in 1948 and re-vamped under the new Blair government. The purpose of the elective is to make international comparison and bring lessons back to the UK. 60 Trainees are currently in different countries worldwide.

Since Andrew graduated from Durham University last year he has worked within Learning disabilities, Cardiology and Elderly Care. When he returns to the UK he will complete a Masters Degree in Health Management at Birmingham University and join a team establishing a new Primary Care Trust in the South of England.

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