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Kevin J. Leonard - Further Information

Refereed Publications - Peer Reviewed Academic Journals
(last 6 years only)

Charlebois, M., Cormack, L., David, I., Leonard, K.J., and Pederson, L., et al, "Primary Care Physicians' Communication Preferences", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance - Leadership in Health Services, forthcoming.

Leonard, K.J., Wilson, D., and Malott, O. (2001), "Measures of Quality in Long Term Care Facilities", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance - Leadership in Health Services, Volume 14, Numbers 2 & 3, p.i-viii.

Leonard, K.J., and Smith, T. (2001), "A Faculty Perspective of the Adoption of On-Line Learning Technology in the MHSc Program at the University of Toronto: Barriers and Enablers", The Journal of Health Administration Education, Volume 19, Number 1 (Winter), p.89-99.

Leonard, K.J., Pink, G., Johnson, L. and Schraa, E. (2000), "Better Decision Making through Improved Information and not Technology", International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, Volume 2, Number 5/6, p. 557-576.

Leonard, K.J. (2000), "The Adoption of Distance Education Technology in a Master of Health Administration (MHA/MHSc) Curriculum: Anecdotes and Antidotes", The Journal of Health Administration Education, Volume 18, Number 3 (Summer), p. 321-333.

Leonard, K.J. (2000), "Information Systems for Healthcare: Why we have not had more success - The Top 15 Reasons", Healthcare Management Forum, Volume 13, Number 3 (Fall), p. 45-51.

Leonard, K.J., and Mercer, K. (2000), "A Framework for Information Systems Evaluation: The Case of An Integrated Community-based Health Services Delivery System", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance - Leadership in Health Services, Volume 13, Number 2&3, p.vii-xiv. (Received MCB Press category "highly commended" as part of Awards of Excellence 2001.)

Leonard, K.J., Tan, J.P.H., and Pink, G. (1998), "Designing Health Care Information Systems (HCISs) for Integrated Delivery Systems (IDSs): Where we are and where we need to be", Topics in Health Information Management, Volume 19, Number 1 (August), p. 19-30.

Leonard, K.J. (1998), "The Use of Computer-Based Simulation in a Master of Health Administration Curriculum", The Journal of Health Administration Education, Volume 16, Number 4, p. 455-478.

Leonard, K.J., Newell Kelly, C., LeBlanc, J., and Van Deursen, J., (1998), "A Proposal for a Centralized Patient Record Database: The Need to Identify Patient Data Elements to Measure Costs, Clinical Outcomes and Benchmarking", International Journal of Technology Management - Special Series on Management of Technology in Healthcare, Volume 15, Numbers 3/4/5, p.391-401.

Leonard, K.J. (1998), "Total Quality in Information Systems Management: Issues for the Health Care Industry", Methods of Information in Medicine, Volume 37, p.156-160.

Leonard, K.J. (1996), "Information Systems and Benchmarking in the Credit Scoring Industry", International Journal of Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, Volume 3, Number 1, p.36-42.

Leonard, K.J. (1995), "The Development of an Expert System for Fraud Alert in Consumer Credit", European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 80, Number 2, p.350-356.

Refereed Publications - Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
(last 6 years only)

Leonard, K.J., "Credit Scoring Models: Only One Component of an Effective Decision Support System", Credit Scoring and Credit Control VII Conference Proceedings, September, 2001.

Rauner, M., Leonard, K.J., Schaffhauser-Linzatti, M., and Green, B., "Does Funding Policy Impact on Day of the Week Admissions and Separations of Inpatients? An Austrian-Canadian Comparison", ORAHS Proceedings, Glasgow, Scotland, November 2000.

Leonard, K.J., and Patry, C., "The Use of Computer-Based Simulation in the Design Process of Information Systems for Patients", AMIA Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, California, November 4-8, 2000.

Gordon, D.B., Buckeridge, D., Leonard, K.J., and Carter, M., "Health Informatics Education in Canada", AMIA Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, California, November 4-8, 2000.

Leonard, K.J., "Credit Scoring's Objective: To Reduce Delinquency or Increase Profitability?", American Statistical Association (ASA) Conference Proceedings, August 13-17, 2000.

Leonard, K.J. "Business Case Structure and IT Procurement", Business and Health Administration 2000 Conference, BHAA Conference Proceedings, March 1-3, 2000.

Leonard, K.J., "The Case of Expert and Insur: Credit Bureau Collections Models", Credit Scoring and Credit Control VI Conference Proceedings, September, 1999.

Leonard, K.J. and Keller, G., "Calculating the Value of Information in Healthcare: Applying Decision Analysis Techniques to Information Systems Business Cases", COACH Conference 24 Proceedings, April 18-22, 1999.

Leonard, K.J. and Keller, G., "The Application of Decision Analysis Theory to Calculate the Value of Perfect and Sample Information in Health Care", ASAC 1998 - Management Science Division Proceedings, May-June, 1998.

Leonard, K.J., "Database Management Issues Pertaining to the Creation of a Centralized Patient Record", ABA 1997 National Conference Proceedings, April, 1997.

Leonard, K.J., "Behavior Scores to Predict Profitability: The creation of outcomes measures", Credit Scoring and Credit Control V Conference Proceedings, September, 1997.

Leonard, K.J. and Grant A., "An Education-Based Approach to Promote Population Health and Patient Awareness", AMIA Fall Conference Proceedings, October, 1997.

Leonard, K.J., "A Comparison of Data Presentation in Health Care: An Attempt to Measure Performance through Cost and Clinical Outcome Benchmarking", Interface '96 Proceedings, July, 1996.

Software Developed

Leonard, K.J., Pink, G.H., Richards, J., Leggat, S., Kelly, C., and Kelly, I., (1996-97) "Healthcare Interactive Simulation Exercise - HISE", funded, in part, by HEALNet, Healthcare Management Theme.

Leonard, K.J., and Patry, C., (1999-2001) "HISE (Healthcare Interactive Simulation Exercise) for Patients", funded, in part, by HEALNet and by Hospital Management Research Unit (HMRU).

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