D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September 2001


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New PhD Stream in Clinical Epidemiology

The Graduate Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation's new PhD stream in Clinical Epidemiology is off to a great start with ten students (six new, four transfer) entering the stream this fall.  The Clinical Epidemiology stream is targeted at students with clinical training, (e.g. Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Rehabilitation).   It draws upon the disciplines of epidemiology health outcomes and services research, biostatistics, decision sciences, and health economics.  It trains students to examine the outcomes of health interventions, and will produce well-trained researchers who can function as independent investigators in hospitals, research institutes, and universities.  The program consists of 10 half courses and a thesis.  The program can be taken on a either full-time or flex-time basis.

The HPME Student Funding Policy: A Draft for Discussion

The University of Toronto has recommended that all graduate units "work towards providing a guaranteed minimum level of financial support to all its full time doctoral stream students equivalent to $12,000 per year (indexed according to cost of living) plus tuition (domestic or visa) for the first 5 years of study, including, where necessary, 1 year at the master's level".  "Doctoral students" refers to students in doctoral stream graduate studies, i.e. MSc and PhD students.

When constituting the packages, the policy suggests "units should ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, individual students are funded through a mixture of different sources of funding, including internal/external awards, TA-ships and research grants.  Student loans, such as OSAP, should not be part of these guaranteed funding packages.  It is also important that there is consistency in the allocation of TA assignments across a department's student population, to ensure that students are not overburdened by the demands of their TA responsibilities.  In departments in which faculty hold research grants, it is expected that graduate supervisors will provide some level of funding from their grants to help support graduate students".

For post-4 PhD students, the policy suggests that such students will be provided with an as-of-right completion grant for years 5 and 6 of their program, equivalent to $2,500 per annum (effective September 2000 for a four year period, after which its efficacy will be assessed).  These grants are not tied to unit funding.

The policy also recommends that "units should establish a policy for funding that is well advertised, transparent, and which is monitored" and that "students should be made aware of these policies prior to their admission".

The Faculty of Medicine, in adopting the University of Toronto's Student Funding Policy, has prepared their own policy statement on student funding, enrollment planning and disbursement of U of T Open Fellowship funds.  This policy is in accordance with the University of Toronto policy, but allows for the exemption of students who are engaged in employment and earning $15,000/annum plus tuition or over, from the funded cohort.   Many graduate units in the Faculty of Medicine have also agreed to bonuses of $2,000 to $3,000 for students who obtain external competitive awards of significant value.


  • The minimum stipend for all new and continuing full time graduate students (with the exception of students in the MHSc program) is $12,000 plus tuition per annum, effective September 1, 2001.
  • Students who receive an external, competitively reviewed award valued at or over $15,000/annum (CIHR, NHRDP, OGS) will be awarded a bonus of $2,500 per year.
  • Full funding will be guaranteed for a minimum of 1 year for students in the MSc program and 4 years for students in the PhD program.
  • Students who are engaged in employment who are earning at least $12,000 plus tuition per annum will NOT be eligible for graduate funding.  Licensed MDs who are involved in clinical training or duties on a full time basis are NOT eligible for graduate funding.

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