D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September 2001


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Pam Spencer Chairs Insight Conference: Latest Business Opportunities for Hospitals

Pam Spencer a second year student in the MHSc Health Administration Program will be Chairing the October 3, 2001 Insight Conference: "Latest Business Opportunities for Hospitals" to be held in Toronto at the Old Mill.  In addition to being a student and mother, Pam chairs the Toronto Health Law Group and is a Partner at the law firm of Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP.

"Hospitals are operating in a new and challenging business climate" says Pam "one that demands new ideas and partnerships.  This Insight conference has been designed to bring you the latest ideas on business opportunities for hospitals.  With existing cutbacks in government funding and growing demand for healthcare services from an aging population, hospitals are facing painful restructuring unless they can find alternative revenue sources or refocus their core mandate of patient care away from ancillary non-core activities.  Exploring public private alliances is one response to these pressures and realities.  The faculty we have assembled for this one-day conference are at the forefront of change and have key lessons to share on how to structure public-private alliances in the healthcare sector and how to build and develop successful and long-term financing arrangements."

For more information about this conference or to register, please visit www.insightinfo.com

Peace-building in the Middle East: Canadian International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO)

The Isabel Silverman Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) is based at Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Toronto.  Headed by Dr. Arnold Noyek, its mandate is to contribute to peace-building in the Middle East by involving Canadian, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian academics and researchers in joint initiatives which span political frontiers.  For example, one ongoing project funded in part by CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency), aims to assess and treat hearing loss in 12,000 infants in Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and to strengthen the capacity of health care professionals across the region to manage hearing loss.

A. Paul Williams, Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, and Consultant to CISEPO, joined CISEPO's most recent Middle East mission in late June.  With Dr. Catherine Chalin (Public Health Sciences) he took a lead role in evaluating ongoing efforts at Al-Quds University in the Palestinian Authority to bring together individual health sciences faculties in an integrated health sciences complex.   He then participated in a series of meetings in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Amman, Jordan, with senior academics, diplomats and political leaders including His Royal Highness, Prince Firas bin Raad, Patron of the Middle East Association for Managing Hearing Loss (MEHA), CISEPO's flagship program.  Demonstrating that even in difficult times, academics can find common interests and help build crucial bridges across borders, the mission culminated with a face-to-face meeting in Jerusalem of Deans and Faculty from Al Quds University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Bethlehem University, The Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University, and the University of Toronto.  Paul looks forward to continuing to contribute his expertise in health policy and health professional education to CISEPO's ongoing peace-building initiatives.

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