D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January/February 2004


Office of the Chair



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Warren J. Winkelman Wins Award in 2003 UHN Poster Competition

Warren Winkelman, PhD student in the eHealth and Health Information Management Program of HPME, won second prize in the Health Informatics Stream of the 2nd Annual UHN Research Day Poster Competition. In addition, he and Chun Wei Choo recently published an article, "Provider-sponsored virtual communities for chronic patients: improving health outcomes through organizational patient-centred knowledge management", in the December issue of Health Expectations. Dr. Winkelman is affiliated with the Centre for Global e-Health Innovation.

HPME Graduate Student Union Re-launches Website Feb. 16, 2004

The HPME Graduate Students' Union (HPME GSU) is pleased to announce the re-launch of its website at hpme.sa.utoronto.ca on 16 February 2004, and the introduction of its new executive: Heidi Amernic (President), Heather Logan (MHSc Year 2 President), Brenda Glenns (MHSc Year 1 President), Meredith Lilly (Curriculum Committee Representative), and Catherine Mah (MSc-PhD Advisory Committee Representative and Webmaster).

The HPME GSU represents all students in the graduate department of HPME, in both the research and professional streams. In addition to its advocacy role for students, the HPME GSU considers networking and innovation, the provision of educational resources, and career development support to be important elements of its mandate.

Please take the time to visit our website and avail yourself of the information and resources provided. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at gsu.hpme@utoronto.ca.

The HPME GSU is a proud contributor to academic and professional life at HPME, home to the current and future leaders of health care in Ontario, Canada, and worldwide.

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