D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T    A N D    E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January/February 2003


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Honours and Awards

Murray Krahn Elected to Board of Trustees of the Society for Medical Decision Making

At the October meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Dr. Murray Krahn was elected to the Board of Trustees. Murray Krahn is an HPME Associate Professor and clinician researcher with the Division of Clinical Decision Making, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network. His research interests include prostate cancer, viral hepatitis, clinical decision analysis, economic evaluation and utility measurement.

His responsibilities in this new role include developing collaborations with sister organizations such as the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care. The Society for Medical Decision Making's mission is to improve health outcomes through the advancement of proactive systematic approaches to clinical decision making and policy-formation in health care by providing a scholarly forum that connects and educates researchers, providers, policy-makers, and the public. The Society's diverse membership includes trainees to senior researchers as well as educators, clinicians, managers, and policy makers.

The organization publishes the journal Medical Decision Making and a semi-annual newsletter, maintains a listserv, hosts an annual meeting, offers awards that recognize investigators and students, and operates several interest groups including shared decision making, medical informatics, medical education, modeling disease progression and others.

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. supports fellowship in Health Outcomes Research at Division of Clinical Decision Making, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network

Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Roche Canada) is pleased to support for 2003 a $50,000 fellowship in health outcomes to be administered by Drs. Murray Krahn, Gary Naglie and Andreas Maetzel at the Division of Clinical Decision Making and Health Care Research, Toronto General Research Institute (University Health Network).

The fellowship recognizes the growing importance of health outcomes research in health care. "Roche Canada welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with the University of Toronto and UHN's opinion leaders and academics who are recognized and respected worldwide as leaders within their respective fields of expertise," said Catherine Steele, Vice President, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, Roche Canada.

The Division of Clinical Decision Making and Health Care Research conducts research in decision, policy, and economic models and well as outcomes assessment in a wide variety of content areas including viral hepatitis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer disease -- even non-medical applications for NASA and the Canadian Space Agency. While all associated faculty work with graduate students this is the first position to be supported by the unit. The fellowship will be awarded by competition and involve modeling based on the interests of one or several faculty.

Nizar Mahomed Awarded Orthopaedic Fellowship

Nizar Mahomed, HPME Assistant Professor, has been awarded the ABC (American British Canadian) Travelling Fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery for 2003. With this support he will be visiting England, Australia, and New Zealand for five weeks in April/May 2003.

The ABC Travelling Fellowship is an educational exchange shared by a group of young orthopaedic surgeons selected by the American, British, Canadian, New Zealand, Australian and South African orthopaedic associations. The Fellowship was conceived by Dr. R.I. Harris of Toronto, Ontario during his presidency of the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) in 1948. During the even-numbered years overseas Fellows visit North America, while Fellows from the United States and Canada tour abroad during the odd-numbered years. Two (2) Canadian candidates are selected by the COA's Exchange Fellowships Committee for the tour.

Dr. Mahomed is a clinician researcher and Director of the Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Program at the Toronto Western Hospital. His research focuses on health policy and health services research for orthopaedics, osteoarthritis, and total joint replacement.

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