D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January/February 2003


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Cheryl Chapman Wins 2002 Alan Hay Award

Each year, the R. Alan Hay Memorial Trust Fund of the Ontario Hospital Association awards the R. Alan Hay Memorial Prize to outstanding health administration students in Master's degree programs of designated universities. The award is given in commemoration of Alan Hay's lifelong contribution to the improvement of healthcare services, and is based primarily on performance and promise demonstrated by a student in their administrative residencies. This year the University of Toronto award went to Cheryl Chapman, Class of 2002.

Cheryl completed her residency at Health Canada under the preceptorship of Ms. Leslie Gaudette. During her placement, Cheryl's activities focused on the improvement of health care services for palliative care, a major policy issue in Canada. "Her professionalism, her productivity, her problem-solving skills and her excellent inter-personal skills as exemplified during this practicum demonstrate the considerable potential Cheryl posses to develop as a visionary, yet well-organized leader in a management position in any health services area and particularly in End-of-Life care" said Ms. Gaudette.

Congratulations Cheryl.

Department Research Day: Call for Posters

The Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation's annual Research Day will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 2003 this year. As in previous years, a central component of Research Day will be an opportunity for students to present their work in the form of posters. Posters can relate to course work, practicum placements and/or current employment.

The posters will be grouped by degree (MHSc, MSc, PhD) and two prizes for each category will be awarded. In addition, the Maureen Dixon award ($1,000)will be decided on the basis of the posters. The Maureen Dixon award recognizes a student who is most likely to make an outstanding contribution to a community based agency.

Please start to think about possible posters - information about constructing a poster is available on the Department's website. All poster submissions should be directed to Rhonda Cockerill (rhonda.cockerill@utoronto.ca) with primary author clearly identified.

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