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March/April 2004


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Honours and Awards

+ + GRANTS + +

Dr. Whitney Berta Receives Primary Health Care Transition Fund Award

Dr's Whitney Berta (PI), Jan Barnsley, Rhonda Cockerill, Dave Davis and Eugene Vayda (Department of HPME) and Dr's Jeff Bloom, Liisa Jaakkimainen and Yves Talbot (Department of Family & Community Medicine ) were awarded $263,800 over two years (April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2006) from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Primary Health Care Transition Fund for their study "Coordination of Care: Factors that influence horizontal and vertical information transfer between primary care practices and medical specialists."

This two phase study uses a mixed methods design. Both phases involve an Expert Panel comprised of primary care physicians, nurse practitioners and medical specialists, all in active practice and caring for Asthma patients in Ontario. In phase 1, three site visits of "best practice sites" for the coordination of chronic care which will inform two subsequent focus groups with primary care physicians/nurse practitioners and medical specialists involved in the care of asthma patients in Ontario will be completed. The results of phase I will be used to inform the development and piloting of a set of interventions in phase II with 6 primary care practice/medical specialist dyads. At the conclusion of a 6 month pilot interval, the efficacy of the interventions will be assessed by the Expert Panel and by the practitioners involved in the pilot.

Dr. Sophie Jamal Receives Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation Grant

Dr. Sophie A. Jamal, Assistant Professor in HPME, was awarded a Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation Grant for her project, "The effect of organic nitrates on osteoporosis". Dr. Jamal is also Assistant Professor / Clinical Research Fellow in the Department of Medicine, Staff Endocrinologist at the St. Michael's Hospital and a consultant with the Osteoporosis Society of Canada Scientific Advisory Council. She is a recent recipient of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) Young Investigator Award.

CIHR Funding Decisions March 2004

**names in bold type are associated with HPME as core faculty, and cross-appointed and status-only members

Results of the 15/09/2003 Global Health Research Pilot Project Grants Competition

Beveridge M (Co-PI), Howard AW (Co-PI), Barradas R, Chan LK, Gomez M, Holder WR, James JH, Zakus D. The ptolemy project: Evaluation of electronic health information for surgical capacity building in East Africa. $74,800 (operating) and $16,900 (equipment) over 1 Yr.

Fraser WD (Co-PI), Zwarenstein MF (Co-PI), Althabe F (Co-PI), Belizan JM, Bergel E, Dumont AA, Sackett DL. Bed rest prescription for pregnant women with threatened preterm labor: Preliminary research for the design of a multicenter pragmatic trial. $90,000 (operating) over 1 Yr

Labonte R (PI), Crush JS, Kazanjian A, McIntosh TA, Zakus D. Equity and health human resources: Canada and The 'Brain Drain' from Sub-Saharan Africa. $97,519 (operating) and $2,400 (equipment) over 1 Yr

Skinner HA (PI), Abdeen Z, Carmi R, Chalin CG, El Nasser Z, Eysenbach G, Jadad AR, Koo M, Linn S, Noyek A, Roth Y, Shidfar R, Siassi F. Adaptation of an eHealth web-based intervention for youth smoking prevention and cessation in the Middle East. $94,120 (operating) and $5,880 (equipment) over 1 Yr

Results of the 15/09/2003 Palliative and End of Life Care: Pilot Projects

Alibhai SM (PI). A pilot study to evaluate quality of life in patients age 60 or older with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia. $ 78,867 (operating) over 1 Yr

CIHR Funding Decisions April 2004

Public Health and Health Care System Preparedness and Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Evaluation and Lessons Learned

Hwang SW (Co-PI), Bell CM (Co-PI), Cheung AM, Moineddin R. The effect of the Ontario severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak on population mortality. $32,395 (operating) and $3,000 (equipment) over 1 Yr 6 Mths

Mittmann N (PI), Earn DJ, Loeb MB, Louie M, McGeer AJ, Phillips EJ, Rachlis A, Simor AE. Economic evaluation of direct medical and non medical costs associated with a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak. $96,100 (operating) over 1 Yr(s)

Pourbohloul BM (Co-PI), Lauren A (Co-PI), Skowronski DM (Co-PI), Brunham RC (Co-PI), Bowie WR, De Serres G, Halperin, SA, Johnston B, Krajden M, Langley J, Law B, McGeer AJ, McNeil SA. The spread and evolution of SARS coronaviruses through contact networks: Prediction, recognition, and control. $134,480 (operating) and $14,200 (equipment) over 1 Yr 6 Mths.

Schull MJ (Co-PI), Stukel TA (Co-PI), Alter DA, Guttmann A, Jackson PM, Laupacis A, Manuel DG, Schwartz B, Zwarenstein MF. Determining the population health impact of the healthcare system response to SARS outbreak. $160,044 (operating) over 1 Yr 6 Mths.

Upshur RE (Co-PI), Daar AS (Co-PI), Bernstein MA, Gold WL, Hawryluck L, Martin D, Singer PA, Styra R, Wilson K, Zlotnik Shaul R. Ethical challenges in the preparedness and response for SARS: An interdisciplinary research study. $127,233 (operating) and $4,000 (equipment) over 1 Yr(s) 6 Mths

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