D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

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March/April 2004


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Shahrzad Ossareh Receives 2004-5 Connaught Scholarship

Shahrzad Ossareh, an international student from Iran, will be entering the HPME MSc Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research Program in the Fall 2004. She is one of seven recipients of the highly competitive University of Toronto Connaught Scholarship, an entrance award for international students.

Sindhu Johnson Receives Ian Watson Award for Lupus Research

Sindhu Johnson, HPME MSc student in the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research Program, received the Ian Watson Award for Lupus Research at the Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting in February for her research on "Ethnic Variation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus".

HPME Students Awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science & Technology

Sindhu Johnson and Lorraine Lipscombe, HPME MSc students in the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research Program, were each awarded a 2004 Government of Ontario / Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre Prehospital Care Program Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) in recognition of their academic achievement.

HPME Students Receive CIHR Doctoral Research Awards

Results of the 15/10/2003 CIHR Doctoral Research and Canada Graduate Scholarships Awards

Holyoke, Paul Douglas. The effects of multiple payers on cost and access to care in the rehabilitation services sector in Ontario.
Supervisor: Raisa Deber

Kohli, Michele. Eliciting community preferences for home care using conjoint analysis and qualitative methods.
Supervisor: Peter Coyte

Lilly, Meredith B. Labour force participation and employment earnings by unpaid caregivers providing in-home care to family and friends across Canada: A quantitative study.
Supervisor: Peter Coyte

Ravi Retnakaran and Team Receive CIHR Grant for Longitudinal Diabetes Study

Ravi Retnakaran, student of the HPME Clinical Epidemiology Diploma Program, is a co-applicant of the three-year CIHR-funded study "Longitudinal association of dipocytokines and markers of sub-clinical inflammation with changes in insulin resistance and beta-cell function in women with a history o gestational Diabetes Mellitus". The study is led by Principal Investigator Anthony Hanley of the Department of Medicine, along with co-PIs Bernard Zinman (Medicine), Philip Connelly (Medicine), Mathew Sermer (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and Janet Raboud (Public Health Sciences).

3rd Annual Issues in Women's Health Graduate Student Research Conference

The Centre for Research in Women's Health invites you to attend the 3rd Annual Graduate Student Research Conference on Thursday May 20, 2004 at 790 Bay Street, 7th Floor. This year's theme is "Issues in Women's Health: Diversity in Research". This day-long conference is unique in bringing together researchers-in-training from across the University of Toronto to exchange research findings, innovative methodologies and theoretical insights about women's health. For more information, contact Lisa Hall, Communications Assistant, at lisa.hall@sw.ca.

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