D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
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March/April 2005


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Honours and Awards

John Browne Receives Outstanding Teaching Award

John Browne is a recipient of the 2005 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Awards. The award, presented on April 20, recognizes Dr. Browne's excellence in teaching and contributions to undergraduate education. Recipients are selected based on nominations by peers and students. Dr. Browne is Associate Professor in HPME, director of the HPME MSc/PhD program and a member of the Academic Staff at Woodsworth College .

Lorelei Lingard Appointed First Bank Of Montreal Professor in Health

Lorelei Lingard has been appointed as the inaugural Bank of Montreal Professor in Health Profession Education Research, effective January 1, 2005 , for a five-year term. This position was made possible by a gift of $1m from the Bank of Montreal to the University Health Network for the establishment of this joint hospital/university professorship based in the Wilson Centre for Research in Education at the UHN. Dr. Lingard has graduate appointments in HPME and the department of Paediatrics.

Brian Feldman Recipient of Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award

Brian Feldman, Associate Professor in HPME, Public Health Sciences and the department of Paediatrics, has been awarded the 2004 Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award. This award is given annually to a scientist under the age of forty-five by the American College of Rheumatology for research in childhood rheumatic disease. Dr. Feldman is the first paediatric rheumatologist to win this international award for rheumatology research. The award recognizes his work on improving research tools, including outcome-measurement tools. Dr. Feldman holds a Canada Research Chair in childhood arthritis. He is a rheumatologist at the Hospital for Sick Children and the Clinical Chief of the arthritis program at the Bloorview Macmillan Children's Centre. His work has helped to predict the course and outcome of systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile lupus.

Dave Davis Receives The Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education

Dr. Dave Davis, Professor in HPME and Associate Dean of Continuing Education, Faculty of Medicine, is the recipient of the 2005 Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education. The award will by presented at the Canadian Association of Medical Education (CAME) Annual Meeting in Saskatoon on May 2, 2005 . This award recognizes senior faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to medical education throughout their academic career.

Dave Davis Invited to Melbourne Australia as Visiting Scholar

This fall, Dr. Dave Davis will be spending two months in Melbourne Australia as the Visiting Scholar with the National Institute for Clinical Studies (NICS). NICS (www.nicls.com.au) is the guideline clearing house and major guideline implementation enterprise in Australia . Dr. Davis is a Professor in the Departments of HPME and Family & Community Medicine.

+ + GRANTS + +

Booth Receives PSI For Innovative Health Systems Research

Dr. Gillian Booth received a Physician’s Services Incorporated Foundation grant for innovative Toronto health systems research and an additional scholarship for innovative health systems research. Dr. Booth is an endocrinologist and health services researcher at St. Michael's Hospital, Associate Scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), and Assistant Professor in HPME and the department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Her main research interests include the assessment of health outcomes, methods to improve health care delivery, and management of patients with diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia.

CIHR Funding Decisions March 2005

**names in bold type are associated with HPME as core faculty, cross-appointed faculty and status-only members

Institute Of Infection And Immunity (Iii) Hiv/Aids Community-Based Research Program

Tucker R (co-PI), Greene S (co-PI), Byers S, Dunn JR, Guenter CD, Hwang SW , Koornstra J, Monette LE, Narciso LA, Rourke SB, Sobota M. A Prospective Study To Explore The Impact Of Housing Support And Homelessness On The Health Outcomes Of People Living With Hiv/Aids In Ontario . $98,210 (Operating) And $5,371 (Equipment) Over 3 Yr(S)

Research Syntheses: Priority Health Services And Systems

Grimshaw JM (PI), Coyte PC , Graham IA, Judd M, Li LC, Nielsen CP. Knowledge Management In Health Care Communities: Identifying, Describing, And Evaluating The Use Of Communities Of Practice For Knowledge Exchange And Creation Among Health Care Professional And Decision Makers. $84,646 over 1 Yr(S).

Shortt SE (PI), Hwang SW , Stuart HL. Access To Primary Care For The Homeless: A Synthesis Of Research Evidence On Effective Practices. $62,576 (operating) and $2,324 (equipment) over 1 Yr(S).

Pilot Project Grants In Strategic Health Services And Policy Research

Abelson J (PI), Giacomini M, Kenny NP, Lehoux PN . Bringing 'The Public' Into Public Coverage Decisions: From Principles To Practice . $ 64,971 (operating) and $3,300 (equipment) over 1 Yr(S).

Hurley JE (PI), Culyer AJ, Gnam WH, Lavis JN, Mustard CA, Tompa E. The Dynamics Of Parallel Systems Of Finance: Interactions Between Canada 's Workers' Compensation Systems And Public Health Care Systems. $75,000 over 1 Yr(S).

Mao Y (PI), Chen AW, Desmeules M, Gagnon AJ, Glazier RH, Kazanjian A, Manuel DG, Vissandjee B. Assessing Timely Access To Health Care For Newcomers. $75,000 over 1 Yr(S).

Research Personnel Awards: New Investigators

Jamal AS (PI). The Effect Of Organic Nitrates On Osteoporosis

Bell CM (PI). Discontinuity Of Chronic Medications In Hospitalized Elders .

Wodchis WP (PI). Strategic Resource Allocations To Nurse Staffing And Education: Implications For Quality And Cost Performance In Hospital-Based Long Term Care.

Ontario Women's Health Council/CIHR Institute Of Gender And Health

Cheung AM (PI). Better Postmenopausal Health.

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