D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


March/April 2005


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




In the News

Other Notables

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The Department of HPME Proudly Presents
the Class of 2005– March Convocation


Tracey Asano


MSc Health Administration

Charles Piwko

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (Thesis)

Rodrigo Cavalcanti
Eileen Rakovitch
Prakeshkumar Shah

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (non-Thesis)

Andreas Roposch
Carol Townsley

MHSc Health Administration / MSW Joint Degree

Hannah Louie

Nimesh Desai Receives Paul Cartier Resident Research Award

Nimesh Desai, PhD student in clinical epidemiology in HPME, received the Canadian Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons' Paul Cartier Resident Research Award for his project, "Competitive Flow Compromises Radial Artery Bypass Graft Patency: Analysis from a Randomized Clinical Trial". The Award was presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Calgary in October 2004. Desai is working under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Fremes.

Teresa Chiu Awarded CIHR Fellowship

Teresa Chiu, PhD student in HPME, received a 2005 CIHR Fellowship for her study, "Usage of Online Services by Chinese Family Caregivers in Canada." Chiu is studying under the supervision of Dr. Gunther Eysenbach.

Adam Topp and Raisa Deber Present to Health Canada

HPME PhD student, Adam Topp, and supervisor Dr. Raisa Deber presented "A Survey of Regulatory Frameworks Governing Private Sector Delivery of Health Care in Canada" to Health Canada officials in February 2005. In their talk, they defined public and private healthcare across the dimensions of delivery, financing and allocation. It is often overlooked in public / private debates that Canada already has private delivery of care. Topp and Deber distinguished between three types of private care: not-for-profit, for-profit small business, and for-profit investor-owned corporation. Regulation can have many different goals such as cost efficiency, provision of priority services, accessibility and quality control. Topp and Deber analyzed the impact of regulatory incentive structures on different types of private care, identifying problems with existing regulatory frameworks across Canada.

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