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  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

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May/June 2003


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Office of the Chair

Research Day 2003

The annual Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Research Day took place on Wednesday, May 7. We were very pleased that 40 posters were presented by students representing our various programs. Judges were challenged with the task of selecting award recipients from amongst so many deserving candidates.

Award Winners

Eugenie Stuart Award - excellence in teaching by an HPME faculty member: Adalsteinn Brown
(decided on the basis of student evaluations and contribution to the Department's teaching programs, as assessed by the Department's Awards Committee)

Maureen Dixon Award (2): Jennifer Tranmer; Kelly O'Brien
(student most likely to make an outstanding contribution to a community based agency or long term care)
- Jennifer Tranmer, R. Croxford, P.C. Coyte,
  "Valuing patient and caregiver time: A comparison of methods"
- Kelly O'Brien, S. Nixon, R. Glazier, A. Tynan,
  "HIV/AIDS and aerobic exercise: A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review"

Harold Livergant Award: Cori Ross,
Outstanding MHSc Year 1 Student in the Field of Complex Continuing Care

Ted Goldberg Award: Moriah Shamian (supervisor - Peggy Leatt)
Most Promising PhD Student

Claire Bombardier Award (2): Academic excellence and two-page essay (Clinical Epidemiology)
- Duminda Wijeysundera (MSc, supervisor - Andreas Laupacis)
  "Practice patterns and effectiveness of preoperative internal medicine and consultation
  prior to noncardiac surgery in Ontario"
- Connie Marras (PhD, supervisor - Paula Rochon)
  "Predictors of time to requiring drugtherapy, survival and health-related quality of life
  in Parkinson's disease"

Thomas & Edna Naylor Memorial Award: Best MSc/PhD Thesis in Health Services Research
Deborah Tregunno (PhD, supervisor - Ross Baker),
"Competing values of emergency department performance: Balancing multiple stakeholder perspectives"

MHSc Poster Awards

G.B. Rosenfeld Award - First Place: Shahzia Adatia, Mary Burnett, Anila Choundry, Michelle Hurtubuise, Hope Rennie, Paula Robinson
"Are Ontario's cervical screening guidelines appropriate? A review of the cost effectiveness of various cervical cancer screening policies"

Second Place: Miin Alikhan, Adalsteinn Brown, Hamida Kassamali-Bhimani
"Rated hospital performance in Ontario: A consumer-based website"

MSc Poster Awards

GSU Award: - First Place: Sudeep Gill, Susan Bronskill, Muhammed Mamdani, Kenneth Shulman, Geoff Anderson, K. Sykora, P. Li, Paula Rochon
"Representation and eligibility of real-world subjects with dementia in clinical trials of donepezil"

Second Place: Meredith Lilly, Sanober S. Motiwala, Wendy J. Ungar, Shamali Wickremaarachi,
"Expanding treatment for Ontario's austic children: A cost-effectiveness study"

PhD Poster Awards

Eugene Vayda Award - First Place: Ava John-Baptiste, Tim Cook, Sharon Straus, Gary Naglie, George Tomlinson, Murray Krahn
"Economic and health consequences of a hyperbraic oxygen chamber in the International Space Station

GSU Award - Second Place: Doug Lee, Peter Austin, Lean J. Rouleau, Peter P. Liu, Jac V. Tu
"Validation of a mortality prediction model for hospitalized heart failure patients"

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