D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


May/June 2003


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The Department of HPME proudly presents the
Class of 2003 - June Convocation


Mark Dobrow
Doris Howell

Sophie Jamal
David Juurlink

MSc Health Administration

Michael Gardam
Mariatou Jallow
Shannon Madden

MSc Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Sandra Arnold
S. Ari Bitnun
Mahyar Etminan
Ted Marras

Henry Roukema
Alan Tinmouth
Mark Walker

Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology

Rosa Marticorena

MHSc Health Administration

Deborah Adams
Shahzia Adatia
Lyn-Miin Alikhan
Jatinder Bains
Andrew Baker
Mary Burnett
Anila Choudhry
Jennifer Dockery
Murray Doggett
Michele Eftoda
Pansy Honeyghan

Beth Horodyski
Tina Hua
Michellle Hurtubise
Hamida Kassamali
Heather Kavsak
Ralph Kern
Henry Koo
Elinor Larney
Lauren Lindsay
Alexandra Magistretti
Judith Maheu

Emily Musing
Christina Porcellato
Fraser Ratchford
Hope Rennie
Paula Robinson
Shelley Rusnell
Debbie Taylor
Peter Varga
Shazeen Virani
Jacqueline Whittingham

Maureen McLelland Receives Foster G. McGaw Scholarship Award

Congratulations to Maureen McLelland on being named the 2002-2003 Foster G. McGaw Scholarship winner for the MHSc Health Administration Program at the University of Toronto. This award is made available to the University of Toronto through the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), and goes to a first year MHSc student on the basis of superior academic performance over their first two semesters of study.

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