D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


May/June 2002


Office of the Chair



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Spring Education Day a Big Success

Education Day this year (May 10, 2002) was a very successful event, like those of recent years. Keynote speaker Bob Rae opened the discussions with an entertaining and enlightening discussion of policy questions underlying the theme of the day, "The Evolving Role of the Private Sector in Our Health Care System". He was followed by Don Schurmann of Turnkey Management Consulting who gave us up-to-date information about the organization of health care in Alberta, as well as a historical view of changes there, and of issues which have arisen. His was a voice of experience, pointing out among other things, that privatizing a system is not without problems, but rather it means exchanging one set of problems for a different set. The third speaker, David Berlin, gave an account of issues faced by his company, who offer a new treatment for inoperable cardiac patients, that is currently not covered by OHIP.

After a networking break, the discussions were carried on by a panel of experts: Professor Raisa Deber of HPME, Shirley Sharkee, President, St. Elizabeth Health Care and Gery Barry President, Liberty Health. They had so much to say to one another, that they continued their conversation even after the moderator, Sholom Glouberman, had closed the day!

All in all, an interesting day. Congratulations to the planning committee and to co-chairs Charissa Levy and Lisa Newman.

Sister Elizabeth Davis (Class of 1985) receives Honorary Degree from Memorial University

Sister Elizabeth Davis an outstanding community leader, health services executive, and educator was an awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree this spring from Memorial University.

Elizabeth Davis is a member of the congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland. Prior to 1982 Sister Davis was a high school teacher in several communities in Newfoundland, teaching mathematics, English and religious studies. After completing her MHSc Health Administration in 1985 she served as executive director of St. Clare's Mercy Hospital in St. John's from 1986 - 1994. In 1994 she became the first president and chief executive officer of the Health Care Corporation of St. John's, a post she held until 2000.

Sr. Davis has been an active participant on board and system-wide committees, and task forces in both the health and education systems. She is presently a member of the Medical Council of Canada, the National Board of Medical Examiners of the United States, the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, the editorial advisory board of Hospital Quarterly and the advisory committee on advocacy for the Catholic Health Association of Canada.

Among her recent awards are the Humanitarian of the year Award from the Newfoundland and Labrador chapter of the Canadian Red Cross, the 2001 Performance Citation Award from the Catholic health Association of Canada, and the 2001 Award for Distinguished Service from the Canadian Healthcare Association (Memorial University, Spring Convocation 2002).

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