D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T    A N D    E V A L U A T I O N

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May/June 2002


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Honours and Awards

Coyte Appointed as President: Canadian Health Economics Research Association

Peter C. Coyte has been elected for a two-year term as the President of the Canadian Health Economics Research Association (CHERA/ACRES). Coyte is a Professor in the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. He holds a CHSRF/CIHR Health Services Chair and is Co-Director of the Home and Community Care Evaluation and Research Centre (HCERC). CHERA/ACRES has been in place for more than twenty years. Members include academics and decision makers. CHERA/ACRES describes itself as a national, membership-based, non-profit organization which promotes Canadian health research. The mandate of CHERA is to provide an effective forum for communication, to assist in the dissemination of health research, to promote quality research and to promote effective partnerships.

Research Day Award Winners

Research Day PowerPoint Show

The Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation held its Annual Student Research Day on May 1, 2002. The winners of awards were:

Eugenie Stuart Award: Best Instructor - Gillian Hawker & Mary Hannah (decided on the basis of student evaluations and contribution to the Department's teaching programs, as assessed by the Department's Curriculum Committee)

Maureen Dixon Award: Mary Lou King (supervisor, Rhonda Cockerill), (student most likely to make an outstanding contribution to a community based agency).

Harold Livergant Award: Judy Maheu, Outstanding MHSc Year 1 Student in the Field of Continuing Care

Ted Goldberg Award: Anna Gagliardi (supervisor - Vivek Goel), Most Promising PhD Student.

Claire Bombardier Award: Tamarah Kagan-Kushnir (supervisor - Aileen Davis), Most Promising MSc (Clinical Epidemiology) Student.

Thomas & Edna Naylor Memorial Award: Best MSc/PhD Thesis in Health Services Research, Louise Bordeleau (supervisor - Pamela Goodwin), "Defining the Impact of Various Methods of Analyzing Missing Quality of Life Data in a Study Looking at Psychosocial Support in Women with Metastic Breast Cancer

MHSc Poster Awards

G.B. Rosenfeld Award - First Place: Cheryl Chapman/Frances Morton/Kaiyan Fu/Doina Lupea/ Jennifer Pepper, "Free Influenza Immunization for Ontario's Healthy Working Adults: An Evidence-Based Policy?".

Second Place: Gauri Junnarkar/Barbara Belanger, "Assess the Impact on the Long Term Costs of Cardiovascular Disease Compared to Stroke: The Inclusion of Informal Caregiver Costs in a Cost Effectiveness Analysis".

MSc Poster Awards

GSU Award - First Place: Catherine Birken (supervisor - Colin Macarthur), "Formal Evaluation of the Clinimetric Properties of Asthma Severity Scales for Use in Preschool Children".

Second Place: Nadine Shehata, (supervisor - Gary Naglie), "A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Screening Donors for Malaria by Polymerase Chain Reaction".

PhD Poster Awards

Eugene Vayda Award - First Place: Doug Lee (supervisor - Jack Tu), "Do Practice Guidelines and Randomized Trials Have an Impact on Treatment of Heart Failure Patients".

GSU Award - Second Place: Dave Juurlink (supervisor - Don Redelmeier), "Adverse Outcomes Following Drug Interactions in the Elderly".

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