D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September/October 2004


Office of the Chair



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Other Notables

Primary Care Practice Management and Performance Indicators Website Launched

The Performance Indicators and Benchmarks in Primary Health Care study, led by HPME's Dr. Jan Barnsley, has launched a new website:


The website was designed and developed by Anas Nader, University of Toronto Work-Study Program student, and Paula Heiniger, Administrative Assistant, Hospital Management Research Unit (Department of HPME). Visitors to the site can find out more about the research team's previous and continuing work. A download facility is available on many of the publications. Visitors can use the site to find out about links to other relevant web sites, access information on primary care performance assessment or gather information about special events. They can also use the site to contact individual member of the research team. For additional details about study activities, contact Judith MacPhail, Project Coordinator at email address: primary.care@utoronto.ca

"Name That Journal" Contest

Longwoods Publishing Corp, the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR), and the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are launching a new Canadian Health Services and Policy Journal.

Nominations are currently being accepted for the positions of editor-in-chief and editor(s) until October 15, 2004. Ideas for a journal name are being accepted until November 30, 2004. A call for papers will be announced when the editor-in-chief and editor(s) are appointed for the first issue in the Spring 2005.

For information on how to submit a nomination or journal name, please see the Longwoods announcement at: www.longwoods.com/opinions/NewJournalAnnouncement.pdf

+ + I N   T H E   N E W S + +

The following HPME faculty were in the major media over the summer:

June 2004

Ross Baker (Canadian Press) June 10, 2004 : Medical errors clog hospital beds
Ross Baker (London Free Press) June 21, 2004: Health care is sick, nurses insist
Raisa Deber (Canadian Press) June 24, 2004: Canada Health Act sacred on election trail

July 2004

Raisa Deber (Globe and Mail) July 1, 2004: Pettigrew plays down 'musings' by Klein
Raisa Deber (Toronto Star) July 26, 2004: We have the right diagnosis, now it's time to treat the system
Chaim Bell and Donald Redelmeier (CBC Health and Science News) July 24, 2004: Waits for emergency room tests longest on weekends
Peter Coyte (Canadian Press) July 30, 2004: Ontario needs health user fees: report

August 2004

Raisa Deber (Canadian Press) August 4, 2004: Health care experts say premiers' demands are unrealistic, unlikely to be met
Peter Coyte (Canadian Press) August 4, 2004: Private sector can help offset health costs
Ross Baker (Toronto Star) August 7, 2004: Enormous scope for cost reduction
Peter Coyte and student Vivian Leong (Toronto Star) August 26, 2004: Long-term care: a success story

September 2004

Raisa Deber (Maclean's) September 1, 2004: Writing a new Rx
Raisa Deber (CBC Radio) September 11, 2004: First ministers meeting - healthcare
Adalsteinn Brown (Guelph Mercury) September 11, 2004: Province seeks results on wait times
Louise Lemieux-Charles (CBC Ottawa) September 15, 2004: What role should politics play in health care reform?
Raisa Deber (CBC Radio) September 18, 2004: First Ministers meeting


Centre for Research in Women's Health Profiled in UToronto Medicine

Heather Maclean, HPME faculty cross-appointed from the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Director of the Centre for Research in Women's Health (CRWH) was interviewed for the August issue of UToronto Medicine (Vol 2 Issue 2). CRWH is home to a number of HPME faculty who specialize in women's health, such as Drs. Mary Hannah, Gillian Hawker, and Marsha Cohen. Heather Maclean has recently been joined by Associate Director Gillian Einstein, a neurobiologist whose research has included studies on the effects of estrogen on the survival of neurons in Alzheimer's disease. CRWH recently became an extra-departmental unit of the Faculty of Medicine and under the leadership of Maclean and Einstein, plans to develop a graduate program in women's health and act as a clearinghouse for women's health research across the University of Toronto.


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