
K. Kumar, K.K.C. Lee, J. Nogami, P. R. Herman, and N. P. Kherani, “Ultrafast Laser Direct Hard-Mask Writing for High Efficiency c-Si Texture Designs”
Euro. Phys. J. Photovoltaics 4, 45101 (2013)
S.-K. Kim, J.-S. Kim, G. Lee, J. Nogami, K.-J. Kong, B.D. Yu and D. Ahn, “Electronic Structure of p(2x3) Ag Films on Si(100)”
J. Korean Physical Society 62, 86-91 (2013)
M. Koga and J. Nogami, “Developing an awareness of core balance in music performance”
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K. Kumar, K.K.C. Lee, P. R. Herman, J. Nogami, and N. P. Kherani, “Femtosecond Laser Direct Hard Mask Writing for Selective Facile Micron-Scale Inverted- Pyramid Patterning of Silicon”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 222106 (2012)
K. Kumar, K. C. Lee, J. Nogami, P. R. Herman, and N. P. Kherani, “Ultrafast Laser Direct Hard-Mask Writing for High Performance Inverted-Pyramidal Texturing of Silicon”
Proc. of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, Austin, TX, 002182 - 002185 (2012)
Y. Cui, J. Chung, and J. Nogami, “Controlling the width of self assembled dysprosium silicide nanowires on the Si(001) surface”
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Y. Cui and J. Nogami, “Thulium Induced Reconstructions of the Si(001) surface”
Surface Science 605, 2038 (2011)
Gangfeng Ye, M. A. Crimp and J. Nogami, “Phase Transformation in Self-Assembled Gd Silicide Nanostructures on Si(001)”
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Y. Cui and J. Nogami, “Ca induced reconstructions of the Si(001) surface”
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Gangfeng Ye, M. A. Crimp and J. Nogami, “Self-Assembled Gd Silicide Nanostructures Grown on Si(001)”
J. App. Phys. 105, 104304 (2009)
A. Linklater and J. Nogami, “Defining nanoscale metal features on an atomically clean silicon surface with a stencil”
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J. Zhang, M.A. Crimp, Y. Cui and J. Nogami, “Self-assembled thulium silicide nanostructures on silicon(001) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and transmission electron microscopy”
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M.A. Albao, M.M.R. Evans, J. Nogami, D. Zorn, M.S. Gordon, and J.W. Evans, “Reply to ‘Comment on `Monotonically decreasing size distributions for one-dimensional Ga rows on Si(100)’
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G. Ye, M. A. Crimp, and J. Nogami, “Crystallographic study of self-assembled dysprosium silicide nanostructures on Si(001)”
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Gangfeng Ye, Martin A. Crimp and Jun Nogami, “Self-Assembled GdSi2 Nanostructures Grown on Si(001) Studied by TEM and STM”
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Jiaming Zhang, Gangfeng Ye, R. Loloee, Martin A. Crimp, and Jun Nogami, “HRTEM and EELS Studies of GdSi2 Nanostructures Grown by Self-Assembly” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 901E, 0901-Ra22-39-Rb22-39 (2006)
G. Ye and J. Nogami, “Dysprosium disilicide nanostructures on Si(001) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and transmission electron microscopy”, Thin Solid Films 497, 48-52 (2006)
M.A. Albao, M.M.R. Evans, J. Nogami, D. Zorn, M.S. Gordon, and J.W. Evans, “Atomistic processes mediating growth of one-dimensional Ga rows on Si(100)” Phys. Rev. B 72, 035426 (2005)
C. Ohbuchi and J. Nogami, "Samarium induced surface reconstructions of Si(001)", Surf. Sci. 579, 157-165 (2005)
B.Z. Liu and J. Nogami, "An STM study of the Si (001)(2x7)-Gd, Dy surface", Surf. Sci. 540, 136 (2003)
B.Z. Liu and J. Nogami, "Growth of parallel rare earth silicide nanowire arrays on vicinal Si(001)", Nanotechnology 14 (8), 873-877 (2003)
M.V. Katkov and J. Nogami, "Yb and Nd growth on Si(001)", Surf. Sci. 524, 129-136 (2003)
B.Z. Liu and J. Nogami, "An STM study of dysprosium silicide nanowires on Si(001)", J. Applied Physics 93, 593-599 (2003)
C. Ohbuchi and J. Nogami, "Holmium growth on Si(001): surface reconstructions and nanowire formation", Phys. Rev. B 66, 165323 (2002)
B.Z. Liu and J. Nogami, "An STM Study of the Si(001) (2x4)-Dy Surface", Surf. Sci. 488, 399-405 (2001)
J. Nogami, B.Z. Liu, M.V. Katkov, C. Ohbuchi, and Norman O. Birge, "Self-Assembled rare earth silicide nanowires on Si(001)", Phys. Rev. B 63, 233305 (2001)
J. Nogami, "Growth and characterization of atomic and nanometer scale wires on the silicon surface", Surf. Rev. and Letters 7(5-6), 555-560 (2000)
B.Z. Liu, M.V. Katkov, and J. Nogami, "An STM Study of Cu on Si(001) in the c(8x8) Structure", Surface Science, 453 (1-3), 137-142 (2000)
J. Nogami and M.M.R. Evans, "In situ growth studies of In and Ga on Si(001) using STM", Surf. Rev. and Letters, 6 (6), 1067-1071 (1999)
M.M.R. Evans and J. Nogami, "Indium and Gallium on Si(001): A closer look at the parallel dimer structure", Phys. Rev. B. 59, 7644-7648 (1999)
J.C. Glueckstein, M.M.R. Evans, and J. Nogami, "Growth of Sn on Si(001) at Room Temperature" Surf. Sci. 415(1-2), 80-94 (1998)
P. Hutchison, M.M.R. Evans, and J. Nogami, "Mg growth on the Si(001) surface: an STM study", Surf. Sci. 411(1-2), 99-110 (1998)
M.M.R. Evans, J.C. Glueckstein, and J. Nogami, "Indium on Si(001): Growth beyond the first atomic layer" Surf. Sci. 406(1-3), 246-253 (1998)
J. Nogami, "Self-Assembled Single Atom Wide Metal Lines On Si(001) Surfaces ", in Atomic and Molecular Wires, edited by C. Joachim and S. Roth (Kluwer Achedemic Publishers, Dordrecht,1997), Vol. 341, pp. 11-21.
J.C. Glueckstein, M.M.R. Evans, and J. Nogami, "Surface Unwetting during growth of Ag on Si(001)", Phys. Rev. B 54 (16), R11066-R11069 (1996)
M.M.R. Evans, J.C. Glueckstein, J. Nogami, "
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J. Nogami, "R(3)x R(3) Reconstructions of Si(111) studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy", Surf. Rev. & Lett. 1(2&3), 395-410 (1994)
J. Nogami, S. Yoshikawa, J.C. Glueckstein and P. Pianetta, "Boron Reconstructed Si(111) Surfaces Produced by B2O3 Decomposition", Scanning Microscopy 8 (4), 835-840 (1994)
J. Nogami, K.J. Wan, and J. C. Glueckstein, "R(3)x R(3) Reconstructions of Si(111) and Ge(111) Induced by Ag and Au", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33, 3679-3682 (1994)
X.F. Lin, K.J. Wan, and J. Nogami, "Au on the Si(001) Surface: Room Temperature Growth", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12(3), 2090-2093 (1994)
J. Nogami, K.J. Wan, and X.F. Lin, "Au adatom superstructure on the Ag/Si(111): R(3)x R(3) R30 surface", Surf. Sci. 306, 81-86 (1994)
X.F. Lin, K.J. Wan, and J. Nogami, "Surface Reconstructions in the Ag /Si(001) system", Phys. Rev. B 49(11), 7385-7393 (1994)
K.J. Wan, X.F. Lin, and J. Nogami, "Surface reconstructions in the Ag/Si(111) system", Phys. Rev. B 47(20), 13700-13712 (1993)
X.F. Lin, K.J. Wan, and J. Nogami, "Ag on the Si(001) surface: growth of the first monolayer at room temperature", Phys. Rev. B 47(20), 13491-13497 (1993)
X.F. Lin, K.J. Wan, and J. Nogami, "Ag on Si(001): growth behavior of the annealed surface", Phys. Rev. B 47(16), 10947-10950 (1993)
X.F. Lin, K.J. Wan, J.C. Glueckstein, and J. Nogami, "Gold-induced reconstructions of the Si(001) surface: the 5 x 3 and R(26) x 3 phases", Phys. Rev. B 47(7), 3671-3676 (1993)
K.J. Wan, X.F. Lin, and J. Nogami, "A comparison of the 3 x 1 reconstructions of the Si(111) surface induced by Li and Ag", Phys. Rev. B 46(20), 13635-13638 (1992)
K.J. Wan, X.F. Lin, and J. Nogami, "A Re-examination of the Ag/Si(111)-R(3) x R(3) Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy", Phys. Rev. B 45(16), 9509-9512 (1992)