Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender (GLBT)

Medical Students of Canada




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[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]


GLBT Meds Canada is national professional organization dedicated to address the issues and concerns of GLBT* medical students and physicians in Canada. Our organization represents the voice of over 250 GLBT medical students and residents across the country. Our contact email is

To join our email listserv, please email a brief message to and state your name, school/city, and level of training/discipline.

(We respect your privacy: all personal information will remain confidential and will not be shared or sold to any third parties)



The purpose of our GLBT Meds Canada network is to:
1) Allow for networking between GLBT medical students, physicians, and other

     supportive health care groups
2) Create a forum to discuss GLBT issues and their relation to health care
3) Provide support for GLBT medical students and trainees during their career
4) Organize social events and coordinate advocacy activities

5) Promote the visibility of the estimated 800 GLBT medical professionals in Canada


We welcome any GLBT medical students, residents, physicians, faculty members, and their partners to join our group! Pre-medical students and other health sciences students/professionals are also welcome. From UBC to Memorial, we have members from every Canadian medical schools coast to coast! Our group also serves as the umbrella organization for the local GLBT groups at several Canadian medical schools.



Services that we provide for GLBT people in medicine, free of charge:


1)     National Mentorship Program for GLBT medical students: MD mentors available for career/academic advice and professional support (see Careers for details). Mentors also available for GLBT pre-medical students


2)     Our email listserv provides event updates and online discussions, and it replaces the former <> listserv.


3)     Regular Publications: Newsletters, Reports from the National Coordinator, and “Leadership Tips” for local GLBT medical groups.


4)     National Contact List: We have a list of GLBT contact persons (medical students, faculty members, etc.) from 15 medical schools in Canada. So email us at to find a local resource person or support network in your area!


5)     Elective Directory for GLBT medical students: elective opportunities with GLBT clinical faculties and/or clinical experiences at GLBT health clinics/programs in Canada and USA (see Careers)


6)     Billeting Database: very affordable housing for GLBT medical students travelling for CaRMS interviews or electives (and for GLBT pre-meds travelling for med school interviews).


7)     Speakers Bureau: MD speakers in various cities who can speak on GLBT health issues and activism


8)     Taskforce against anti-GLBT bias in medical schools: we constantly monitor for such bias in Canadian medical schools, and we will consider taking team actions in response – so please report to us at if you experienced/witnessed such anti-gay bias or discriminations in medical education


Plus, there are many other opportunities for peer support, networking, and empowerment! Leadership and volunteer opportunities are also available. So please join us in thriving for equality and visibility in health care and medical education!


Wayne Baici, MD

Founding Member, GLBT Meds Canada


Louie Chan, MD

Coordinator, GLBT Meds Canada





**Disclaimer: The main focus of our group is on medical education, not direct clinical service, thus we DO NOT keep or provide a directory of GLBT or “gay-friendly” doctors for the public. For such listings, please refer to other health organizations’ websites from different regions, for example: 

-          Rainbow Health Ontario

-          prideHealth in Nova Scotia

-          Transgender Health Program in BC

-          Pink Triangle Services in Ottawa

-          GLMA Provider directory, etc.



More about us in the Press:


See our published Letter to the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) regarding issues faced by GLBT medical students:


The marginalization of some medical students
     Louie Chan and Shelley Turner
     CMAJ 2005;173 849-850



Links to Medical Post articles featuring some of our members and our work:


Coalition wants gay/lesbian profile raised
Once yearly review of medical curricula not enough to ensure inclusiveness

The Medical Post January 18, 2005 Volume 41 Issue 03

Doctor in Profile: Change is good
The Medical Post January 04, 2005 Volume 41 Issue 01

Med students tying the knot: Medical community increasingly supportive of gay unions
The Medical Post January 11, 2005 Volume 41 Issue 02
     (In response to this article:

     Letters to the Editor: Article and individual showed great courage

     By Dr. Lorne Warneke, The Medical Post April 19, 2005 Volume 41 Issue 15)




Site Navigation:


For GLBT med students & pre-meds:

Not sure how ‘out’ you should be to your classmates? See our Resources section!

see also our Careers section on some career information


For any health care professionals providing care to GLBT patients: See our resources & links in the GLBT Health section


For our dearest Straight Allies and Supporters:

please see the Allies section for some feminist materials/links

and also the Religion section for links to some gay-positive religious arguments


[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]


Site Last Updated on October 6, 2009

“GLBT includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, intersexed, queer, questioning (GLBTT2IQQ) and all other forms of sexual diversity.

This website is sponsored by Diversity in Medicine, a student group at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. We would like to thank Alia Qureshi Emili for the original website creation and design and the University of Toronto for providing us the webspace. The materials found on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Toronto or the Faculty of Medicine.