Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT)

Medical Students of Canada




GLBT Meds home page...

our mission...

how we came about...

upcoming events...

links we like...
























[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]



Links to GLBT Student Groups on Canadian campuses:


Links to other GLBT Medical Organizations:


SOGLAD (Southern Ontario Gay & Lesbian Association of Doctors)


GLMA (Gay & Lesbian Medical Association)


AGLP (Association of Gay & Lesbian Psychiatrists)


LAGCAPA (Lesbian and Gay Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Association)


GLADD (Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists), UK


ALMA (Australia Lesbian Medical Association)




Medical or Health Professional Organizations with a focus on GLBT issues:


CPATH (Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health)


Pro-Family Pediatricians


Society of Adolescent Medicine (SAM) Special Interest Group on GLBTQ Adolescents


AMSA Gender and Sexuality Committee (formerly of LGBT People in Medicine),  American Medical Student Association



For links on GLBT health resources: See our GLBT Health section



Email us at for other GLBT-related links that interest you!






[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]



Questions? Comments? Feel free to contact us at


This website is sponsored by Diversity in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. We would like to thank Alia Qureshi Emili for the original website creation and design and the University of Toronto for providing us the webspace. The materials found on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Toronto