Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT)

Medical Students of Canada




GLBT Meds home page...

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[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]


Canadian Resources for clinicians on caring for GLBT patients:




Caring for Lesbian and Gay People: A Clinical Guide

By Allan D. Peterkin, MD, and Cathy Risdon, MD

(This book is endorsed by the College of Family Physicians of Canada)  

This book can be ordered through the CMA Bookstore

Also see its book reviews in CMAJ and JAMA



Asking the Right Questions 2: Talking with Clients about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity …. Published by CAMH

Ordering Information





Gender and Health Collaborative Curriculum Project

Online educational module on Gender and Sexual Diversity

Sponsored by the Council of Ontario Faculties of Medicine (COFM)


BC Trans Care Project Clinical Guidelines  


Positive Space manual by the Public Health Alliance for LGBTTIQ Equity, a workgroup of the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA)


Caring for Lesbian Health: a resource for health care providers, policy makers and planners (BC Ministry of Health, 1999)


Articles / Clinical Guidelines:


Canadian Pediatric Society

Position Statement on Adolescent Sexual Orientation (2008)


Counselling lesbian patients about getting pregnant

Steele LS and Stratmann H. Canadian Family Physician 52(5): 605-611


Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC)

Clinical Practice Guidelines: Lesbian Health Guidelines (March 2000)

"Not all you patients are straight" by Ruth J. Simkin, MD
CMAJ Aug 1998 159(4): 370-375


For a longer list of articles and references, email us at


Organizations/Health Initiatives:

Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition / Coalition Santé Arc-en-ciel Canada

Rainbow Services at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

prideHealth in Nova Scotia

Transgender Health Program at Vancouver Costal Health

Rainbow Health Network Workshop Toolkit

Ontario Public Health Association: Public Health Alliance for LGBTIQ Equity

Rainbow Health Ontario

Lesbians and Breast Cancer Project (

An website that assists GLBT smokers to quite




[Resources]   [Careers]   [GLBT Health]   [Allies]   [Religion]



Questions? Comments? Feel free to contact us at


This website is sponsored by Diversity in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. We would like to thank Alia Qureshi Emili for the original website creation and design and the University of Toronto for providing us the webspace. The materials found on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Toronto