Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) Medical
Students of |
_______________________________________________ [Resources] [Careers] [GLBT Health] [Allies] [Religion] _______________________________________________ Even if you’re heterosexual, you
should still support the GLBT cause, because: Homophobia
is causally linked to patriarchy / male domination of the society – this is a
common assertion in feminist theory, well-developed in Suzanne Pharr's book Homophobia:
A Weapon of Sexism. Homophobia as a weapon of sexism http://www.schryer.com/homophobia/article4.html Homophobia is the social basis of
male supremacy See also: On
homophobia, sexism and diversity http://wildcat.arizona.edu/papers/92/17/05_2_m.html Ten things that
men can do to end sexism and male violence against women http://www.europrofem.org/06.actio/wrc_rib/ewrc_en/08wrc_en.htm The roots of
homophobia – a New York Times article, 1990 http://www.bibble.org/gay/phobia/roots_of_homophobia.html Other ways that anti-gay prejudice
affects straight people: 1. Homophobia forces us to
act "macho" if we are a man or "feminine" if we are
a woman. This limits our individuality and self-expression. So, ways to combat prejudice and
homophobia as a straight ally: 1. Organize discussion
groups in class or after school to talk about the how homophobia affects
straight people as well. _______________________________________________ [Resources] [Careers] [GLBT Health] [Allies] [Religion] _______________________________________________ Questions?
Comments? Feel free to contact us at glbtmeds@yahoo.com This
website is sponsored by Diversity in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, |