D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   A D M I N I S T R A T I O N   
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Health Admin Website



January 2001



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Office of the Chair


2000 Year-End Departmental Celebration – A Look Back

The Department celebrated the end of the 2000 Winter term with a gathering at the Faculty Club on the evening of December 7, 2000.  The event was a chance to relax with colleagues and raise a glass of cheer to the close of the year.  You may browse the collage of ‘thumbnailed’ photos of the event here ->.


Referendum on a new name for the Department of Health Administration


As proposed by the Task Force for the Selection of a New Department Name (An Adobe Acrobat copy of the report is available here >>)a referendum will be held to advise the Chair on the selection of a new name.  In keeping with University of Toronto policy, the purpose of the referendum is to seek the input of the faculty on this very important issue.   Students and administrative staff members are also invited to provide their feedback on the proposed names. 

The principles for the referendum are as follows:

All faculty with a primary or cross-appointment to the Department of Health Administration are entitled to one vote.

In order to allow that all faculty have a voice, yet ensure that those with primary and full-time appointments are recognized, the vote will require a simple majority of those voting in each of the following groups:

the entire faculty (primary and cross-appointed)

primary appointed faculty

primary full-time faculty

The vote will be conducted by secret ballot.  The Department’s Business Officer, Mr. Horatio Bot will be the Returning Officer.

Each Faculty member will be provided with a ballot and two envelopes.  The ballot will be inserted into a small envelope.  The smaller envelope will be inserted into a larger envelope.  The Faculty member will sign the larger envelope and print their name legibly on that envelope. 

The ballots will be returned to the Department’s Assistant to the Chair, Ms Jeanne Kerr.  She will open the larger envelope and cross off the faculty member’s name against the voter list.  The small envelope, still sealed, will be separated to ensure confidentiality.

Ballots will be sent out by mail on February 2, 2001 and will be due on February 23, 2001.

Results will be announced by February 27, 2001.

If the required majority votes are not achieved the name of the Department will remain unchanged.  If the majority votes are achieved then the Chair will prepare a recommendation to the Dean of Medicine for submission for approval through University governance. 

The proposed names for the referendum are:

Department of Health Strategies

Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation


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