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January 2001




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Revisions to PhD Program

During the past year, an internal committee (Geoff Anderson (Chair), Jan Barnsley, Michael Murray) conducted a review of the PhD program in Health Administration.  Following consultation with students, alumni, and faculty, a number of revisions were recommended.  The purposes of the revisions are: 1) to ensure flexibility within areas of specialization and in the identification and incorporation of new areas of specialization; 2) to ensure that all graduates have core competencies; 3) to encourage interaction across specializations; 4) to provide in-depth knowledge of specialization-specific theory and methods; 5) to create opportunities for students to synthesize core competencies and specialization-specific knowledge; 6) to establish a proposal development and defense process that will document supervisory and student dissertation expectations and facilitate program completion within an optimal time frame.

Three new PhD level courses will be developed within the Graduate Department of Health Administration (GDHA): Canada’s Health Care System and Issues; Intermediate Statistics; and Integrative Methods in Health Research.  These courses contain core competencies required for all PhD students in Health Administration.

Areas of Specialization (previously called Streams) are:  Health Policy, Health Services Organization and Management, Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation, Clinical Epidemiology, and Accounting/Finance/Informatics.  Faculty in each specialization will design a specialization-specific PhD level synthesis course.   Successful completion of the synthesis course will constitute successful completion of the specialization comprehensive examination. 

Following acceptance of a student’s PhD dissertation proposal, the student, thesis committee chair, and program director will sign a letter of understanding outlining supervisory and student responsibilities, expected dissertation content, and an intellectual property agreement.

Course requirements will remain at 10 half courses. The GDHA Curriculum Committee must approve all new courses.


Research Day 2000/2001 - April 25, 2001

The Department's 2000/2001 Research Day will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 25, 2001.  The Day will involve student poster presentations, a guest speaker and a wine and cheese reception.  Details are available on the Department’s web page: http://www.utoronto.ca/hpme/research_day_2001.htm.


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