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January 2001




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Dr. Gillian Hawker featured as ‘all-star Canadian health researcher’ by Chatelaine

In the January, 2001 issue of Chatelaine magazine several Canadian researchers in the area of women’s health were highlighted.  Among them was Dr. Gillian Hawker, Director of the Program in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research in the Department.  Gillian is also the Director of the Osteoporosis Research Program at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre.  The program conducts multidisciplinary research on the causes, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. 

Dialog on Health Reform, led by Dr. Terry Sullivan featured in the Toronto Star

The Dialog on Health Reform, supported by the Atkinson Charitable Foundation and co-sponsored by the Department of Health Administration and the Canadian Health Care Association was highlighted in a December 29, 2000 article in the Toronto Star.  Dr. Terry Sullivan, Associate Professor in the Department and President and CEO of the Institute for Work and Health, was the Principal Investigator.  The project received a grant of $122,000 from the Atkinson Foundation. 

The Dialog commissioned background papers on topics of relevance to the sustainability of publicly funded health services.  Among the topics addressed were: waiting lists, public-private financing of health services, and home care.  In June 2000 a round-table was held at the University of Toronto that brought together leaders from the health sector, consumers, the private sector, and the public sector to discuss the possible reforms required to sustain the health system.  The Round-table report, as well as the background papers are available on the Dialog website at: http://www.utoronto.ca/hpme/dhr/.

Breast Cancer Study Draws Media Attention

A study by Ms Ruhee Chaudhry, a MSc student in Epidemiology supervised by Drs Vivek Goel (Chair, Department of Health Administration) and Carol Sawka (Associate Professor of Medicine and Health Administration and CEO of the Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre) comparing outcomes after initial treatment for breast cancer between community and teaching hospitals was released recently in the CMAJ [http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-164/issue-2/0183.htm].  The study received broad media publicity among the major networks and print media.

Faculty Comment on Private International Referral Service

Drs. Goel and Raisa Deber (Professor of Health Administration) provided media commentary on the proposal by Private Care International to refer patients needing surgery abroad.


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