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Alumni News - June 2004

On the Move

Ralph Kern New Neurology Program Director at U of T

Ralph Kern [MHSc 2003], Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, has recently accepted a position as the Program Director of the Neurology Program. Formerly the Chief of the Division of Neurology at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga , Dr. Kern has been full-time Faculty at U of T since 2002, based out of Mount Sinai and the University Health Network. Dr. Kern plans to maintain a strong clinical interest in headache, migraine, and chronic pain at the Wasser Pain Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital . His research interests include the measurement of health outcomes in chronic pain and headache.

Allan Katz Appointed ED of the Health Care Network of Southeastern Ontario

Allan Katz steps into a new position as the Executive Director of the Health Care Network of Southeastern Ontario, a voluntary consortium of hospitals, community care access centres, health units and Queen's University in the Kingston area. Katz spent the past three years as the CEO of Deep River and District Hospital , bringing a sense of stability ot th board of governors which had fired the two precious administrations. In his new position, he will oversee the collaboration of members on joint initiatives that encourage regional cooperation, thereby improving access to care, health outcomes and operating efficiencies

Stewart Boeker Leaves UHN for CFO Position at Grand River

Stewart Boeker leaves Princess Margaret (UHN) to begin his new position as the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at the Grand River Hospital in Kitchener, Ontario.

Vivek Goel Appointed Provost

Vivek Goel [MSc 1988], Professor and former Chair of the Department of HPME, has been named Vice President and Provost of UofT. SEE Alumni Profile in this newsletter.

Elizabeth Leach appointed ED of the Ontario Public Health Association

Elizabeth Leach [MHSc] has been appointed Executive Director of the Ontario Public Health Association effective August 9, 2004 . Ms. Leach has extensive and diverse management experience with specific expertise in governance, policy, strategic planning and organizational development and renewal. She has held senior management positions in a variety of not-for-profit health care settings - community hospitals, government, health care professional associations and coalitions - and has been a member of several provincial government advisory committees. Ms. Leach is currently Adjunct Faculty in the Department of HPME, a Certified Health Executive (CHE), as designated by the Canadian College of Health Service Executives, and an Executive Member of the Canadian Society of Association Executives.

Jackie Whittingham Takes on New Director Position at WoodGreen Community Services

Jackie Whittingham, [MHSc 2003] has accepted a position as Director of Neighbourhood Services and Homeward Bound at WoodGreen Community Services. This program provides housing counseling and job training for homeless single mothers. Her new position will draw on her combined social services (MSW) and health sector expertise. She will be leaving her position as Senior Health Planner with the Toronto District Health Council where she has been since 1998. Much of her time with the TDHC was spent on projects focusing on child health. She led the TDHC planning initiative for children with complex care needs as well as the Child Health System Planning Project. Jackie also facilitated several collaborative initiatives. She managed the GTA Child Health Network during its transition from the Hospital for Sick Children sponsorship to its current self-sustaining status and chaired the TDHC sponsored Toronto Palliative Care Network Transition Committee.

Victoria Ostler Moves to Beautiful British Columbia

Victoria Ostler, [MHSc] previously the Vice-President, Corporate and Program Planning of Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto , has moved to Vancouver, BC.

Dionne Falconer Receives Commemorative Medal

Dionne Falconer [MHSc 1998] was a recipient of the Commemorative Medal for the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Wayne Fyffe Receives CEO Award

Wayne Fyffe [MHSc 1975], President & CEO of Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga , has received the 2004 CEO Award of Excellence in Communications presented by the International Association of Business Communicators.