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Alumni News - August 2004

Bits & Pieces

Corrections From June Newsletter

We acknowledge two errors in the last newsletter:

  1. In a story under Faculty & Student news, related to a Toronto Star article, we misspelled the first name of Shabbir Alibhai. Apologies!
  2. The correct email address for Charissa Levy, Treasurer and Chair of the SOG Finance Committee is: Levy.Charissa@TorontoRehab.on.ca

Electronic Newsletter Format A Hit!!

Here are a few of the comments we received on the new newsletter format.

"Congratulations on the electronic newsletter.... looks great....Just wanted to let you know how much I liked your newsletter! Nicely laid out, informative and easy to navigate. ...the electronic newsletter looks great. Well done."

Email and News Updates

We are still in the process of updating our database. Please send us your updated email address so that we can reach each and every one of you with the SOG electronic newsletter distributed at least four times per year [TWICE the previous semi-annually].

And do please send any news about grads on the move, accomplishments, publications, etc. to newsletter editor: lisa.newman.a@utoronto.ca.