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Alumni News - March/April 2005

Program Director's Report

Linking Health Services Research, Policy and Practice

As Canadian healthcare continues to top public opinion and policy debates federally and provincially, the need for close relationships between health researchers and health policymakers is paramount. Government officials need to make informed decisions about complex health issues, whether these relate to the allocation of resources, primary care reform, the approval and monitoring of drugs, patient safety or quality improvement.

As seen in this issue, HPME faculty are at the fore in providing evidence and analysis to inform and transform health care debates. This past winter, Ross Baker with Peter Norton presented to the House of Commons on patient safety; Raisa Deber presented to Health Canada on the public/private healthcare funding; and Andreas Laupacis was appointed to the Health Canada Science Advisory Committee (below). Alumnus Marsha Barnes talks about her role in primary care reform as Director of the Primary Health Care Team, MOHLTC, and member of the CCAC/Family Health Teams work group (Leadership & Innovation).

A number of faculty including Raisa Deber , Geoff Anderson, Muhammad Mamdani and Terry Sullivan have received major media attention for their roles in improving Canadian healthcare (Faculty & Student News). We would also like to draw your attention to new publications, in particular the findings from the Canadian Stroke Quality of Care Study published in CMAJ by Patrice Lindsay et al. (Research Highlights). Don't miss research and teaching profile of Dr. James Wright , orthopaedic surgeon and winner of the 2005 CIHR, Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) Quality of Life Research Award (Research Highlights).