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Alumni News - March/April 2005

Bits & Pieces

Faculty, Students and Alumnus Present at COACH Conference

Put on by COACH: Canada's Health Informatics Association and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), the 2005 conference, “e-Health 2005: Realizing the Vision” will be held April 30-May 3 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto . A number of HPME Faculty, students and alumni affiliated with the HPME Information and Communication Technologies in Health Care program concentration, will be presenting at this conference.

Professor Kevin Leonard will facilitate a half-day workshop on the measurement of the impact of IT in healthcare (April 30). Professor Ross Baker will present at a session on the use of electronic health records in the pursuit of a safe Canadian Healthcare system (May 3). Dr. Andre Kushniruk and HPME PhD Candidate Elizabeth Borycki offer a novel approach for simulating and predicting technology induced errors in e-Health systems and applications (May 3). Dr. Winkelman, HPME PhD candidate, and alumnus Dr. Lupea (MHSc Class of '02) consider the role of public engagement and accountability in healthcare (May 1 and May 3). Mr. Eliasoph, HPME Adjunct Faculty and Firm Director with the Health Services of Deloitte, will describe a province-wide diagnostic imaging information management / information technology strategy for Alberta (May 1). Dr. Alex Jadad, Chair of the conference Program Committee and Director of the Centre for Global e-Health Innovation, will provide a half-day guided tour of the Centre (April 30) and moderate a panel discussion, “Walking the Talk – Learning from the Doers!” (May 2).

COACH is the national organization advancing the health informatics profession and promoting the understanding and effective utilization of information and information technologies in Canadian health care. For more information, or to register, go to the conference website: www.e-healthconference.com.

Coyte Co-Chairs 6th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services

The International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services (ICSBHS) is a biennial conference series that began in the United Kingdom in 1995, and occurs every two years in the fall (Amsterdam in 1997, Toronto in 1999, Sydney in 2001, Washington, DC in 2003). The conference returns to Canada in 2005 and will be in Montreal , September 18-20, 2005 , hosted by the Canadian College of Health Service Executives. Dr. Peter Coyte, Professor in HPME, will co-Chair the conference Program Committee along with Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw of the University of Ottawa , and Mr. Joseph de Mora of Kingston General Hospital . This year's theme is Improving Health by Advancing Healthcare: Linking Research, Policy and Action.

The series provides an international forum for the exchange of health services research and experience to improve access to and the quality of healthcare systems. Its focus is on the process of promoting the use of scientific evidence for clinical practice, health services management and health policy. For more information, see the conference website: www.icsbhs.org/index_eng.html.

The ICSBHS follows directly after the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference, "Canada 's Health Priorities: Building and Maintaining Research Capacity". Topics include patient safety and quality of care, accountability, governance, accessibility, approaches to building research capacity, methods for developing/implementing best practices, health research career pathways, global health, pharmaceutical policy and primary care. To register, see the conference website: www.cahspr.ca/conference/about_en.html.

Michael Dector Presents at 7th Annual CSPE Conference

HPME Adjunct Faculty, Michael Dector, will give a talk as Chair of the Health Council of Canada at the 7th Annual Canadian Society of Physician Executives' (CSPE) Conference. This year's conferences, "From Ideas to Action: Best Practices for the Best Leaders", will be held on May 13-14, 2005 in Ottawa. The conference brochure can be found on the CSPE website at www.cspexecs.com. For more information contact Carol Rochefort at 613 731-9331 x2254 or carol.rochefort@cma.ca.