Message from the President

Education Day 2010

CCHL Award Winners

Sharkey on Leadership


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Fall 2010

Message from the President

The only society that works today founded on mutual respect, on a recognition that we have a responsibility collectively and individually to help each other on the basis of each other's equal worth. A selfish society is a contradiction in terms.

– Tony Blair

It’s getting harder these days to see beyond what we do every day in health care. In large part, that’s because we are increasingly focused on squeezing value out of every dollar we spend. However, it is more critical now than ever for us to be socially responsible leaders and share our time and scarce resources with those who need our help the most.

At our May 2010 Education Day this year, we had an inspirational illustration of socially responsible leadership in the form of Dr. James Orbinski, the co-founder of Dignitas International and past president of Médecins Sans Frontières. Dr. Orbinski shared his thoughts and experiences with us in a fireside chat with HPME faculty member Dr. Adalsteinn Brown. You’ll find a link to a podcast of the interview in this newsletter.

Recognizing our Outstanding Alumni

On October 14, 2010, your Society of Graduates (SOG) will once again host our Annual Recognition Dinner at the Metropolitan Hotel. At this year’s event, we will honour four alumni with awards:

  • Mr. Bill Barrable: Leadership Award
  • Dr. Bernard Lawless: Innovation Award
  • Dr. Liane (Soberman) Ginsburg: Graduate Literary Award
  • Dr. Andrea Furlan: Graduate Literary Award.

We will also be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the class of 1985. Additional information about the event and how to register is available online. We’re looking forward to re-connecting with you!

In this edition of our newsletter, we also shine a light on two of our distinguished alumni, Joe Mapa and Shirlee Sharkey. These two remarkable individuals were recently honoured for their leadership by the Canadian College of Health Service Executives. Our congratulations to both of them for their well-deserved awards.

A Fond Farewell

This is my last report to you as SOG president. In October, I will transfer leadership of our alumni society to the very capable Sue VanderBent, whom many of you may know in her day job as executive director of the Ontario Home Care Association.

Serving as your president has been a wonderful experience for me. That’s particularly so because I have had the opportunity to interact with so many of our august alumni, to welcome many new graduates to our society, and to work with such an amazing group of volunteers who make up our SOG executive committee. Indeed, it is thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of our executive committee members that I believe our alumni society is stronger and more vibrant than ever.

In closing, I would like to offer an additional and sincere thanks to all of you, our alumni, who continue to be engaged. I look forward to seeing you on October 14!


Anne Wojtak

Anne Wojtak