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CCHL Award Winners

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Fall 2010

Canadian College of Health Leaders Award Winners

On behalf of the Society of Graduates community, hearty congratulations to fellow alumni Joe Mapa and Shirlee Sharkey – recipients of prestigious awards this year from the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), formerly known as the Canadian College of Health Service Executives.

Mentorship Award

Joe mapaJoe Mapa is the president and chief executive officer of Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital. A graduate of HPME’s MHSc in Health Administration program, Joe was honoured for demonstrating “exemplary, sustained commitment to mentoring and inspiring health care leadership.”

Read more about Joe’s achievements.


Innovation Award for Health Care Leadership

Shirlee SharkeyShirlee Sharkey is the president and chief executive officer of Saint Elizabeth Health Care, which is headquartered in Markham, Ontario. Like Joe, Shirlee also holds an MHSc in Health Administration from HPME. She was honoured by CCHL for having “created a culture of innovation that inspires and supports people to make breakthrough changes in the way patient care is delivered, and leads by example with passion, integrity, and resolve to challenge the status quo."

Read more about Shirlee’s accomplishments. And be sure to watch a short video of Shirlee in this issue of the SOG newsletter, in which she outlines her vision of socially responsible leadership.