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June 2001


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Office of the Chair


Vivek Goel to Join University’s Senior Administrative Team   VGoel_50_2.jpg (7274 bytes)

On April 26th, 2001, the Governing Council of the University of Toronto approved the appointment of Vivek Goel to the position of Vice-Provost, Faculty, for a five- year term starting July 1, 2001.   “Professor Goel has a range of experience and skills that will be valuable assets in his new position,” says Provost Adel Sedra. “His experience as chair of a large department in the Faculty of Medicine and his involvement in university governance, most recently as vice-chair of Academic Board, will provide a strong foundation for him in his role as vice-provost, faculty.  He is also an accomplished researcher who understands the values and challenges of academic life.  I look forward to having him join our team.”

Although Dr. Goel is looking forward to the challenges of his new position, the decision to accept this appointment was a difficult one.  “I have tremendously enjoyed being Chair of this Department”, said Vivek “and have learned many things in interactions with my colleagues.   While important challenges remain, such as that of ensuring adequate space for the Department, much has been accomplished in areas such as the merger with Clinical Epidemiology, the renaming of the Department, and the establishment of our own independent graduate department.  I do sincerely believe that I will be able to continue to contribute to both the Department and the Faculty of Medicine in my new role.  I look forward to continuing to work with colleagues on critical issues such as the nature of clinical and status-only appointments, and bringing a perspective from the Faculty of Medicine and the Affiliated Hospitals to the decision processes in the University central administration.” 

Louise Lemieux-Charles Appointed Interim Chair, Department of Health Administration

louise.jpg (24542 bytes)On May 22, 2001 Dr. David Naylor, Dean, Faculty of Medicine announced the appointment of Dr. Louise Lemieux-Charles as Interim Chair, Department of Health Administration effective July 1 - December 31, 2001.  Louise is an Associate Professor who has been a member of the Department since 1990.  She is Program Director of the Hospital Management Research Unit and a researcher and member of the management team of HEALNet.  She teaches courses in the health care management stream of the MHSc program with specific emphasis on organization theory, strategy and governance, and human resource management and supervises PhD students in the organization theory and behaviour concentration. Her current research which is funded through HEALNet, CHSRF and the MOH-LTC includes examining the relationship of mid-level performance indicators to managing health care organization performance at the strategic level, the role of evidence in health system change, and the effectiveness of community-based networks in the delivery of care to individuals with dementia and their caregivers.

Department’s New Name Approved by Governing Council 

The Academic policies and Priorities Committee of the University of Toronto, Governing Council has approved the name change for the Department of Health Administration to the Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation (HPME), effective July 1, 2001.  We will be working to propose a new logo and image for materials such as letterhead, web pages, and calendars.   Your suggestions are welcome; please send them to Tina Smith at tina.smith@utoronto.ca


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