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June 2001


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First Annual Pre-convocation Brunch a Huge Success

Graduates, family, friends, faculty, staff, and alumni all gathered at the University College Union on Monday June 11, 2001 to celebrate the significant achievements of the Class of 2001.  The brunch was very well attended and was a great success.  Graduates remarked how nice it was to be able to share this special day with all involved, fellow graduates, family and friends, Department faculty and staff.  Family members got to mingle and meet the many people they had heard about over the years.  “We are proud to call you graduates of the Department of Health Administration, University of Toronto” said Dr. Vivek Goel, Department Chair “and we look forward to working with you in the future as fellow colleagues and alumni. Our thanks also go to the many family members and friends who supported you through your time of graduate studies, and to the Society of Graduates in Health Administration for generously sponsoring this event.” 

The Department of Health Administration Proudly Presents the Class of 2001

MSc/PhD Health Administration

Alina Gildner, Ph.D.
Post-Doc., Institute for Work and Health

Ruth Hall, Ph.D.

MHSc Health Administration  

Ms. Nathalie Beaulieu
Program Manager, Neurological Rehabilitation Services
West Park Healthcare Centre

Dr. Randall Bissett
Vice President
Cancer Care Ontario

Dr. Nicholas Braithwaite
Physician/Healthcare Consultant

Ms. Laurel Brown
Project Manager, Business Integration

Mr. Romeo Cercone
Vice President, Rehabilitation and Continuing Care
St. Joseph’s Healthcare

Mr. Sanjay Cherian
The Hay Group

Mr. Wol Bong Chung
Performance Improvement Specialist
Scarborough General Hospital

Ms. Zenita Dhalla

Ms. Jodeme Goldhar
Executive Assistant to the President and CEO
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care

Ms. Claudine Hodge
Patient Care Manager, Respirology
St. Joseph’s Health Centre

Mr. Shiran Isaacksz
Project Analyst
University Health Network

Ms. Nila Jacobs
Freelance Policy Consultant
Merck Frosst

Mr. David Jewell
Director, Client Services
Hamilton Community Care Access Centre

Ms. Susan Jewell
Director, Diagnostic Imaging and Medical Short Stay
Hospital for Sick Children

Ms. Lorraine Ladha
Consultant, Member Relations
Ontario Hospital Association

Ms. Tracey Lam
Manager, Business Development
Glaxo Wellcome Inc.

Dr. Richard Lee
Resident, Diagnostic Radiology
McMaster University

Ms. Sandy Litman
Manager, Psychology, Education and Research
Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Ms. Evelyn Maurice
Manager, Out-patient Rehabilitation Services
Humber River Regional Hospital

Ms. Deborah Mercer Dennie
Director, Education and Quality Management

Ms. Tessa Mintz
EnviriMed Inc.

Ms. Serena Moosa
IT Consultant

Dr. Mireille Norris
Regional Geriatric Program Eastern Services

Ms. Carolyn Plummer
Professional Practice Leader & Educator
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre

Ms. Jennifer Rodgers
Project Manager
Joint Policy and Planning Committee

Mr. Mike Sanderson
Regional Director
BC Ambulance Service

Ms. Shalimar Santos-Comia
Coordinator, Nursing Education & Community Partnerships
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre

Ms. Liveleen Singh
Manager, Complex Continuing Care Unit
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care

Ms. Shawna Swartz
Planner and Coordinator, Special Projects
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute

Mr. Corry Thomas
Urban Health Administrative Fellow
Sherbourne Health Centre

MSc. Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Dr. Stephen Hall
Professor, Department of Oncology
Queen's University

Dr. Edward Chow
Radiation Oncologist
Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre

Dr. Hermine Brunner
Clinical Fellow
Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dr. Alain Nordmann
University Hospital
Basel, Switzerland 

Graduate Diploma - Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Dr. Andrew Sherwood
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Dr. Sergio Kowalski
Rheumatology Physician
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ms. Martha Rolland
Quality Management Coordinator
   for the Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Hospital for Sick Children


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