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Health Admin Website

June 2001


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Canada’s Health System and Health Policy - Part III

With the introduction of Canada’s Health System and Health Policy - Part III in the fall 2001 the redesign of the policy stream of the MHSc Health Administration Program will be complete.  Adalsteinn Brown, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Administration, is leading the new course.  

Course Description

Decision-makers in a variety of settings are confronted by diverse sometimes conflicting sources of evidence.  This evidence is often of unclear quality, may be affected by conflict of interest, or may not be relevant to a particular situation because of the assumptions or data sources underlying the evidence.  This course reviews five common sets of methods that decision makers may encounter; it explores common problems in the interpretation of evidence generated by these methods; and considers case(s) studies to support this exploration and to demonstrate the relevance of these methods to policy development.

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