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January/February 2005


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Honours and Awards

Mary Hannah Receives Research Scientist of the Year Award

Mary Hannah, Professor in HPME and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, is the inaugural recipient of a new award of the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (APOG), the APOG Research Scientist of the Year Award. This award recognizes outstanding contributions in education and research. Dr. Hannah was awarded in recognition of her contributions in the field of Perinatal Clinical Trials.

Andrea Bezjak Appointed as MacNaughton Chair

Andrea Bezjak, Associate Professor in HPME and the Department of Radiation Oncology, was appointed as the MacNaughton Chair in Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy, for five years effective December 1, 2004. The MacNaughton Chair was created to enhance the research program in radiation therapy for lung cancer. The particular focus is on the establishment of an internationally leading clinical and translational research program that will improve the outcomes of patients with lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies through advances in radiation treatment, planning, and delivery. The Chair will work within the Radiation Medicine Program at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

James Wright Appointed Surgeon-In-Chief at Sick Kids

James Wright, Professor in HPME and the Department of Surgery, was appointed Surgeon-In-Chief at the Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) for a five-year term, effective January 1, 2005. Dr. Wright has been serving as Program Head, Population Health Sciences at the HSC Research Institute; President, Paediatric Specialties Association (the Alternative Payment Plan for Surgical Services and Psychiatry at the HSC), and Robert B. Salter Chair of Paediatric Surgical Research.

+ + GRANTS + +

CIHR Funding Decisions January 2005

In the January 2005 results of the CIHR September 2004 Open Competition, the University of Toronto and affiliated research institutes captured $40.5M of grant funding. Of the 286 grants submitted, 83 were approved - representing a 29% success rate. This is 5% above the national success rate of 24%. The following faculty received grants in this competition:

**names in bold type are associated with HPME as core faculty, cross-appointed faculty and status-only members

CIHR Open Competition Operating Grants

McGeer AJ (co-PI), Valiquette L (co-PI), Cadarette SM, Corey PN, Devlin HR, Gold WL, Labbe A, Muller MP, Mulvey MR, Pepin J, Poutanen SM, Simor AE. Derivation of clinical prediction rules to identify patients with complicated outcomes after the diagnosis of clostridium difficile associated diarrhea. $255,777 over 3 yr(s) (operating)

Manuel DG (co-PI), Berthelot J (co-PI), Roos LL (co-PI), Anderson GM, Booth G, Choi B, Hux JE, Mustard CA, Stukel TA, Wu J. Population health impact assessment tools for Obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2 (phiatdm). $157,349 over 4 yr(s)

Rabeneck L (PI), Bondy SJ, Hsieh ET, Kim YIJ, Law CH, Marshall DA, McLaughlin JR, Paszat LF, Stukel TA. Risk of advanced proximal neoplasia of the Colon in asymptomatic adults. $246, 156 over 4 yr(s)

Redelmeier DA (PI), Hackam DG, Kiss AJ, Mamdani MM, Sibbald WJ. Statins and sepsis. $32,836 over 2 yr(s).

Fremes SE (PI), Cohen EA, Desai ND, Liu PP. Biochemical and genetic predictors of coronary bypass graft atherosclerosis. $78,153 over 2 yr(s).

Rodin GM (PI), Gagliese L, Hales SA, Zimmermann C. The quality of death in metastatic cancer and its relationship to antecedent factors and bereaved primary caregiver morbidity. $101,861 over 5 yr(s).

Krahn MD (PI), Anis AH, Heathcote EJ, Krajden M, Pourbohloul B, Shadmani R, Tomlinson GA, Yoshida EM, Population based estimates of cost and quality of life in community dwelling hcv patients, $149,754 over 3 yr(s).

Karkouti K (PI), Beattie WS, Ivanov J, Yau TM, Del Giudice LM. Predictors of massive blood loss in cardiac surgery: development and validation of a simple prediction rule. $81,797 over 1 Yr(s).

Ritvo PG (PI), Ferris LE, Katz JD, Klar N, Paszat LF, Rabeneck L, Upshur RE, Weitzman EA. Addressing gender differences in colorectal cancer screening. $82,504 over 2 Yr(s) 6 Mths.

Blackburn DF (PI), Blackburn JL, Dobson RT, Mamdani MM, Stang MR, Wilson TW. Atenolol and mortality in chf (am-chf). $78,243 over 2 Yr(s).

Cott CA (PI), Jaglal SB, Landry M, McGilton KS , Teare GF, Wodchis WP. Client-centred rehabilitation: four case studies of in-patient rehabilitation. $91,668 over 2 Yr(s).

Coyte PC (co-PI), Guerriere DN (co-PI), Adams DJ, Brenneis C, Croxford R, Fainsinger RL, Fassbender K, Laporte A, Librach SL, Wagner F. Cost and quality of variations in ambulatory and home-based palliative care. $97,457 over 3 Yr(s).

Wodchis WP (PI), Anderson GM, McGillis HL, Pink GH, Teare GF. Strategic resource allocations to nurse staffing and education: implications for quality and cost performance in hospital-based long term care. $45,835 over 2 Yr(s).

CIHR Open Competition Randomized Controlled Trials

Cheung AM (PI), Hawker GA, Josse RG, Vieth R, Thompson LU, Lee Y, Jamal AS, Tomlinson GA, Tile LE. Evaluation of the clinical use of vitamin K supplementation in postmenopausal women with osteopenia. $298,474 over 1 year 9 months.

CIHR Strategic Initiatives

Tri-National Collaboration in Clinical Trials Research

Keystone EC (PI), O'dell JR, Haraoui B, Clegg DO, Salahuddin K, Kerr GS, Mikuls TR, Sharp JT, Lew RA, Phibbs C, Brophy MT, Liang MH, Maetzel A, Li LC. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Comparison of active therapies in patients with active disease despite methotrexate therapy (multi-centre study). $1,895,948 over 2 years 6 months.

Ethics Operating Grants

Rathwell TA (co-PI), Joffres CE (co-PI), Nestman LJ (co-PI), Busse R, Deber R, Rebecca S, Duckett SJ, Gauld R, Hunter DJ, Jackson TJ, Kenny NP, Maarse H, Ovretreit JA, Tomblin SG. A new direction: Canadian lessons from international experiences with strategic resource reallocations. $111,586 over 3 Yr(s).

"Pilot Projects Grants in Aging" June 2004 Competition

Lee JS (PI), Fisher RH, Kiss AJ, Macintyre PM, Morrison LJ, Naglie G, Newman L, Ryan DP, Verbeek PR. PERIL: Paramedics and the elderly at risk for independence loss. Development of a tool using paramedic observations to assess elders' home environments for risks of failed discharge. $50,000 over 1 Yr(s).

Naglie G (PI), Brooks D, De Souza MJ, Devins GM, Heck CS, Jassal SV, Kontos PC, Laprade JA, Spanjevic L. Physical activity to enhance functional autonomy of older hemodialysis patients. $48,977 over 1 Yr(s).

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